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Yyteri Beach: warm sand dunes, cool blue waters and clear sunny sky

It was a sunny Sunday when we went to Yyteri beach, one of the well-known holiday resorts in Finland. Yyteri is a district in Pori and is just few minutes’ drive from my big sis’ flat in the city center. The place is not just famous for its long stretch of beach but is also a haven for campers, hikers and sports enthusiasts who would like to indulge in other outdoor activities such as surfing, cycling, horseback riding and beach volley.

Bringing with us picnic food and supplies, we went in two groups – mom, dad, cutie sis, baby C, and sis’ hubby in one car and big sis, the three kids, me and their family friend (who’s gracious enough to drive us there with his car) as the other group. Arriving at the parking area, I noticed the many vehicles lined up and most of them were campers. There’s a wide camping ground nearby where you can see many tents pitched.

Yyteri Beach, Finland
On our way…who would have thought that there’s a beach waiting behind those thick trees?

Yyteri Beach, Finland
Ahhh… I see it now… the blue waters are calling!

Yyteri Beach, Finland
Still more walking… on foot on a long wooden plank through the dunes to reach the beach.

Yyteri Beach, Finland
We’re finally here!  🙂

Yyteri Beach, Finland
Welcome to Yyteri Beach! Tervetuloa means ‘welcome’ in Finnish.

Yyteri Beach, Finland
Beach people on the loose! There were many sunbathers on the higher area of the dunes as well.

Yyteri Beach, Finland
The pounding waves inviting me for a swim…

Yyteri Beach, Finland
An idyllic beach scene… warm sand dunes, cool blue waters and a clear sunny sky. Who could ask for more?  🙂


  1. Näkemiin Finland! | happy steps - [...] learning about Pori’s history at the Satakunta Museum, enjoying a sunny Sunday afternoon at Yyteri Beach and shopping around…

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