Yellowstone National Park: Happy Steps’ Top 15 Flickr Creative Commons Photos – Part 3

This is Part 3 in a series of posts featuring selected travel photos of Yellowstone National Park from Flickr Creative Commons. Click here to view the beautiful photos in Part 2.
Both travel and photography are two leisure activities that go hand in hand. Personally, I love taking photos during my trips, although I sometimes don’t let myself get engrossed with too much of the technicalities of photography so I can still focus and enjoy the scene without fussing over the quality of the shots. As Jim Rohn says, “Wherever you are, be there”, and I heartily agree with this. Oftentimes I just let some breathtaking view get hold of my sense of awe instead of me capturing it with the camera. Thus, I admire those photographers who are visually keen enough to get a good angle and patient enough to wait for that perfect moment to get the perfect shot.
Here are some of my favorite photos taken from Flickr Creative Commons, the third and last installment in a series of posts about my Top 15 Favorite Photos of Yellowstone National Park. Browsing through these photos just make me dream of Yellowstone vacation packages. These shots are just few of the many amazing travel photos you see on the Flickr photo sharing site under the Creative Commons license uploaded by professional and newbie photographers who enjoy and take pride in what they do.
Do click on the photos below to view them in a larger version. Enjoy!
Grand Prismatic Hot Springs – photo by OakleyOriginals (http://www.flickr.com/photos/oakleyoriginals/)
The blue sky and the clouds add a beautiful contrast to the scene. It’s interesting to observe the different actions of the people captured in this shot as they’re taking pictures, walking, having conversation or sitting on the bench. Seeing the rising steam in this photo, I’m also curious about the heat in this place. Makes me wonder how the temperature can be compared to one of those hot and tropical Kenya holidays.
Ledge Spring as a storm approaches over Yellowstone Lake – photo by Alan Vernon (http://www.flickr.com/photos/alanvernon/)
The scenery is an example of calm and peacefulness at first glance, until one notices the dark gloomy clouds on the left as sign of an impending storm. I love the composition on this one.
On a cloudy day, Mammoth Hot Springs – photo by my camera and me (http://www.flickr.com/photos/my_camera_and_me/)
This is another capture of the many stunning sceneries in Yellowstone.
Clepsydra Geyser – photo by *~Dawn~* (http://www.flickr.com/photos/naturesdawn/)
Another out of this world capture. Need I say more? 😉
Where the bison roam – photo by star5112 (http://www.flickr.com/photos/johnjoh/)
Yellowstone wildlife is abundant and diverse, from bears, wolves and bison to squirrels, swans and numerous species of birds. This photo is just a peek into the wonderful world of a bison herd in Yellowstone.
That’s about it, dear readers. This post concludes the three-part series on my Top 15 Favorite Photos of Yellowstone National Park from Flickr Creative Commons. I do hope you had fun browsing over my favorite Yellowstone photos as I enjoyed sharing them with you.
Here are the links to the other posts:
Yellowstone National Park: Happy Steps’ Top 15 Flickr Creative Commons Photos – Part 1
Yellowstone National Park: Happy Steps’ Top 15 Flickr Creative Commons Photos – Part 2
Have a fun day ahead and may all our travel dreams come true!