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When travel plans change

These days, I’m caught up in a dilemma regarding my travel plans. Due to some misinformation, I applied for a passport renewal at the Iloilo DFA when it shouldn’t be renewed yet since it is still valid within the dates of our upcoming travel. The result was that my visa application will be delayed, and I will be flying alone to Prague on a much later date. huhuhu

I feel so sad about it, but I consoled myself with the fact that there is a purpose for the delay. I don’t mind traveling alone since I’m used to it, the only thing that concerns me is being left at home by myself after my parents and cutie sis will be leaving next week. Good thing, a family friend from Cebu is here. I hope she’ll stay longer… so I will have some companion before my scheduled departure.

And when your travel plans change, everything changes! First, we have to ask for another invitation letter which would take more than a week to arrive here, then I had to reschedule my flight (good thing, it’s not as difficult as I thought so). Not to forget is the adjustment of the travel insurance effectivity dates to a new one.

Travel lesson: Don’t just rely on others for information regarding your travel requirements, it’s best to inquire from the authorities involved. It pays to be 100% sure when it comes to your trip concerns!

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