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Weekend at Lipence

photo of a birdhouse with wheat fields in the background

A district in the southwest of Prague, Lipence is great for weekend getaways. Thanks to a friend who invited us for a Saturday barbeque at their cottage in this picturesque place. Though the weather was a bit cold (she sent an SMS to bring sweaters), it was just fine for us with the sun peeking out of the clouds oftentimes during the day.

photo of wheat fields at Lipence, Prague

The wooden cottage is situated on a hilly terrain overlooking vast fields of wheat. It’s small yet charming, with a kitchen, dining room, guest bedroom and a T&B downstairs and bigger bedroom up in the attic. It was like stepping into a little Czech museum seeing some old paintings and antique household items being displayed – from tableware to cooking stove and some really old clothes irons on the shelf.

photo of dining table inside the wooden cottage during our weekend at Lipence, Prague

photo of Czech tableware displayed on wooden shelves

Later in the afternoon, we hiked to the River Berounka which is about 15 minutes walk from the cottage.

photo of a tree by the River Berounka, Lipence, Prague

photo of River Berounka, Lipence, Prague

It was such a relaxing Saturday; we went home at almost midnight. Having a cottage in the outskirts is a good idea for those who need a place to unwind after a stressful work week in the city. In my friend’s case though, it’s more of a summer cottage – it’s not advisable to stay there during winter since the walls are not that thick enough to withstand the cold.

Some cottages at Lipence, Prague


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