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View from above: Praha 4

Hiya all! Just sharing to you some photos from where we are staying here in Prague, at the 15th floor of my cutie sis’ flat, specifically in Praha 4.

View from above: Praha 4

View from above: Praha 4

View from above: Praha 4

View from above: Praha 4
The view from above is really relaxing especially when the sun sets which is usually at 9pm.

We will be leaving for Finland few hours from now so I’ll leave you with these photos as my farewell post until we arrive at my big sis’ place. Ciao! 🙂


  1. Quickroute

    Great pics! – I was there many moons ago. I understand it’s becoming a tad expensive these days but you gott luv the beer!

  2. Journeyetc

    Wow…amazing photos, really well taken!Prague is beautifull

  3. Inego Alvarez

    very nice pictures!! Prague is simply amazing!!!And i love it a lot 🙂
    I recently took a trip to Prague and booked hotel through They were great and hotel was exactly how it was represented on the website. I was satisfied with quick services. They helped me a lot.

  4. happysteps

    Hi all: Yes, Prague is really a beautiful city. Just touring around and walking along its narrow cobble stoned streets and gazing at the historical buildings can put you in a daze. 🙂 We were at the Vltava River today and the view was simply awesome!


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