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Trying out new cuisines

79One thing that makes travel fun is sampling out new cuisines and flavors whether they be exotic food (like fried silkworms, perhaps?) or some French gourmet dish.

As my Mom would always tell me, the more you can accommodate new food for your taste buds, the more adaptable you are as a person. So, am I that adventurous when it comes to trying out new food? Well, not that much I guess! Anyway, I do am open to trying out new dishes especially if they look yummy.

Travel bugs usually look for a place’s popular dishes and delicacies and dine out in recommended restaurants. For instance, if you happen to drop by New York City and would like some Manhattan lunch, you might want to try the steak and seafood dishes at Rosie O’Grady’s located near Times Square, Rockefeller Center and is just walking distance to some notable museums.

112The restaurant has that New York City saloons’ ambiance with two bars, a banquet room, and a Broadway room. Their dinner menu includes seafood appetizers such as smoked salmon, oysters, shrimp cocktail, crab cake, mussels and more. Main course meals range from seafood favorites broiled Norwegian salmon, swordfish steak, and seafood platter to T-bone steak, rib steak, pasta dishes, chicken dishes and more. What about dessert? A cappuccino cake or black & white mousse cake would be my choice.


  1. My Bug Life

    I am all out for trying new cuisines….except for the really exotic bizarre ones which is a no no for me.

  2. Amy @ The Q Family

    I love to try the new cuisine especially while traveling. That’s one of the reason why I love to travel.

  3. happysteps

    My Bug Life:

    I’m not that adventurous when it comes to exotic food as well…but I did eat one fried silkworm when I was in Chiang Mai. It tasted like shrimp. 😀

  4. happysteps


    Each place has a dish or delicacy that they pride themselves with. This is usually what I ask the locals whenever the subject of food and dining comes up. And yes, we travel not just for sightseeing but for ‘tasting’ the place as well.

    Thanks for dropping by! 🙂

  5. LiNTEK

    “the more you can accommodate new food for your taste buds, the more adaptable you are as a person”

    You got that one right!

    As for the exotic foods…. I love eating them only if I’m the one who cooked them.

  6. happysteps


    You’ve cooked exotic food? wow…which one?

    Thanks for the visit! 🙂


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