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Travel with the Grapevine girls

grapevine girls

These ladies are travel bugs too and are fond of going on weekend trips. So, who are the Grapevine girls? They’re Gabby, Shannon, Olivia and Raqui – four independent, smart, fashionable women whose life stories are featured in an interactive website The lives of these interesting fictitious characters make visiting the site fun with their daily updated serial featuring the girls’ tips and insights on travel, shopping, food, career and more.

One of the characters, Trevor their travel agent arranges readily for their trips. The site features travel tips, reviews and advices from Trevor and the girls. Lots of information can be browsed on fun activities like skiing at Whistler Blackcomb in the British Columbia or Mont Tremblant in Canada or going on a shopping spree in Los Angeles. You’d also read on some trip essentials such as traveling with your pet or having a worry free holiday travel. Some of the popular destinations featured are Florida, Rome, Hawaii, Venice, Dubai, Alaska and more.

The Grapevine site features the girls’ personal closets and accessories which can be viewed and bought in their online store. Their choice of airline and accommodation, shopping venues and dining establishments are also featured, as well as other women’s interests like books, parenting, recipes, music, movies, entertainment and more.

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