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Travel with a healthy heart

When we travel, our health should be in good condition. I’ve known of somebody who succumbed to death in another country due to a sudden cardiac arrest. That’s why it is a must that before one travels, he should undergo a complete medical checkup. Dad had his complete medical executive checkup before we left for Europe.

It has to be clear here though, that sudden cardiac arrest is not the same as heart failure. The latter is the inability of the heart to pump blood properly, and because of this, it compensates itself by its enlargement, which in the long run will worsen the situation. Complications would later follow, common of these are high blood pressure and diabetes.

We really have to be careful with our heart, be it for travel purposes, or just plainly to maintain our good health. Learn more about keeping a healthy heart at the where they feature informative videos about the heart and its related diseases. 56loug


  1. Kim

    Four years ago my mother was traveling to her sister’s house and died while she was out there. Yes, it was a mess and she should have gotten a complete check up before she went, but she didn’t. Thankfully she was still in the same country or things could have gotten tricky.

  2. happysteps


    So sorry to hear about what happened to your Mom. Was she traveling alone?

  3. Heart Health

    Yes we have to Travel with a healthy heart.While traveling we cant say what is going to happen.If we Travel with a healthy heart then it will be better to us and our family members.


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