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Travel guides, brochures and handouts

Having a travel guide is one of my trip essentials whenever I’m in a new and unfamiliar place. I don’t mind if they seem like an added expense or another extra weight to carry. Nothing beats the assurance of having a printed guide in my hand.

travel guides

Upon arrival in the airport, I would pick out some brochures and handouts on the information desks or visit a nearby bookstore and scour for a travel guide to take home with me. I would excitedly leaf through the pages and search for some tourist attractions worth visiting. Most travel guides include detailed maps which are useful when going on long walks while exploring the place.

If you think travel guides are just about places, events and shopping deals, you’re wrong. You learn valuable information on the people and culture of the place – the history and background, language and gestures and some important do’s and don’ts. After all, a place can’t be that interesting without the people and culture that goes along with it, and these travel guides provide great insights and tips to help you make the most out of your journey.

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