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The traveling family

family at Branik, PragueIt’s still summer, and this means “escape” time!

Many families are on vacation right now, like our family friend who went to Davao to visit her hubby in his current work assignment. Needless to say, the whole family is there, this means the three children are on a holiday with them as well.

Last vacation, if I remember it right, the whole family was in Cebu, as the hubby was assigned there.

That’s why I call them the traveling family as the hubby goes around the country for work-related travel. This type of work setup gives his family the opportunity to visit the provinces where he is assigned. It’s good for the kids as they are exposed to travel in their younger years and they can learn something from the places they’ve been to.

Traveling with the family is a great way to bond together. The family that travels together, stays together! 🙂

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