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The Punta Bulata experience: Going there

After listing Punta Bulata as one of my dream destinations in Negros Island, we finally had our date with this white sand beach resort last week. As with all travel tales, the trip to the place itself was part of the experience. Since we rode in our trusty van with Dad as the driver, we had the liberty to bring more stuff. While we were busy packing up, sis’ hubby teased us that we were bringing half of the house. LOL. Yup we brought the rice cooker, kitchen knives, pots, plates and other utensils plus all sorts of food for our overnight stay. We left home at about 8AM, dropped by few minutes at the meat shop and the nearby convenience store.

Punta Bulata is situated in the municipality of Cauayan, about 152 kilometers far from the city of Bacolod. Going there, you have to pass by Pontevedra, Hinigaran, Binalbagan and other municipalities.

sugar cane plantation with Mt. Kanlaon at the background
Sugarcane plantation with Mt. Kanlaon in the background

welcome to the municipality of Cauayan
Welcome to the municipality of Cauayan!

along Cauayan municipality
Picturesque view of the sea along the way

It was our first time to go there and having nobody to guide us, it was reassuring to see markers of the resort every few minutes, telling us how many more kilometers to go. Finally we turned right from the main highway, driving down a narrow and rough road as we passed by some shanties and rice fields. As our van moved on, we were greeted with more trees and vegetation with no more signs to assure us if we’re still on the right track. We were getting worried already and a bit panicky since our fuel was getting low. We thought there were some prominent gasoline stations along Cauayan. (For those travelling to Punta Bulata, better get your tanks full for the trip or gas up at Kabankalan if your fuel is running empty.)

With our tummies grumbling since it was already noontime, we heaved a sigh of relief as we saw the resort’s main gate. The guard had to confirm our reservation and we were disappointed when he told us that our accommodation was already taken. We later learned that the resort manager misheard the information relayed by their Bacolod office so they thought the reservation was for a different group. Ugh, what a welcome. As the van drove in and parked in a shaded area, we were just glad we finally made it.

To be continued

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  1. The Punta Bulata experience: Sky, sea and sand | happy steps - [...] Continued from The Punta Bulata experience: Going there [...]
  2. Punta Bulata Beach Resort information and tips - Part 1 | happy steps - [...] The Punta Bulata experience: Sky, sea and sand The Punta Bulata experience: Going there [...]

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