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Tel Aviv’s Centennial Year: “Revealing the Hidden City” project

One of my favorite stops whenever I’m visiting another place is the museum. Yup! I don’t find them boring at all and could even spend hours just going through the maze of historical artifacts and other interesting collection. For me, it’s like stepping into a time machine and learning about the past, the history and culture of that city or town.

Thus, for those already booked with flights to Tel Aviv, they can include visiting the new museum in their trip itinerary. To celebrate Tel Aviv’s Centennial Year, the municipality has restored the Old City Hall to be the home of the new Museum of the History of Tel Aviv-Jaffa. One of the highlights of the museum is the collection of old historic photographs by volunteers for the “Revealing the Hidden City” project.

The Tel Aviv municipality has also recently completed the renovation of the historic Bialik House which stands along with the new museum and the Felicia Blumenthal Centre of Music between them, making the square, known as the Bialik Compound, more visually and culturally attractive for the locals and tourists. The opening of the new museum will be on the 17th of December with the holding of exhibitions, while the music centre has a host of concerts in line and a special poetry evening is scheduled at the Bialik House.

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  1. Noah Caleb

    Many people love to visit museums. It is happy to know that a new museum is going to be opened shortly. Safety based travel tips are recommended for persons who go on a long trip. While traveling, be aware of your surroundings — don’t just look, see! Study your surroundings for things that make you uncomfortable, and go elsewhere if it doesn’t feel right. Don’t stroll blindly into a crowd…

  2. happysteps

    Hi Noah, thanks for the valuable tips on safe travel. 🙂

  3. happysteps

    FURTHER COMMENTS ARE DISABLED due to SPAM. If you have something important to tell me, just send an email to happysteps1107 @ yahoo dot com. Thanks and wishing you more happy travels ahead! 🙂


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