Tampere tourist information

Tampere is the third most densely populated city in the Nordic country of Finland. Situated in the south, Tampere is strategically located between two lakes with unequal levels, Näsijärvi and Pyhäjärvi, with a difference of 18 meters, thus creating powerful rapids in the Tammerkoski channel resulting to an industrial area which currently has four power stations and three dams. It’s a city I instantly liked upon first sight and hope I could visit again.
Travel to Tampere
Going on a trip to Tampere is easy for both local and international travels and many options are available for the tourists – from trains, planes, buses and coaches, car rentals and other modes of transportation.
At the Tampere airport (officially known as the Tampere-Pirkkala Airport), there are daily flights from Helsinki to Tampere and back. Aside from these regular flights to and from the capital of Finland, there are direct flight connections to nearby European cities such as Stockholm, Oslo, London, Rome, Milan and more. Be sure to plan ahead when it comes to choosing your flight schedule to Tampere. A wise traveler knows how to get the best airline deals, whether it’s one of those discounted holiday trips to Finland and its neighboring European countries, or some cheap flights to Tenerife and other island destinations.
If you are new to Tampere-Pirkkala Airport, you can browse their service map to have an idea where the airline service points, security control, border control, baggage claims, information, restaurants and other main areas are to be found. It’s good to have a better grasp of the airport’s important spots beforehand so you can easily find your way inside without being disoriented before your departure or during arrival.
Map of Tampere
Whether you will be viewing it on a travel gadget, smartphone or on paper, be sure to have a detailed map of Tampere on hand as part of your trip essentials when visiting this place.
For Apple fans, you can download a Tampere GPS Guide app on your iPhone, iPod touch and iPad which not only provides a detailed map but also includes points of interest, local Wi-Fi spots, personalized trip planner and more. If you rely a lot on travel guide books, a detailed map of Tampere can be accessed from recommended Finland guide books below which are available at discounted prices online at Amazon.com:
1. Lonely Planet Finland (Country Travel Guide)
3. The Rough Guide to Finland (Rough Guides)
Weather in Tampere
Unless you would like to see Santa, go skiing or want to experience a cold Winter Wonderland, I would recommend a visit to Tampere (or any Nordic city) in summer. For a person coming from the tropics (that’s me), the weather in Tampere is really cold. Summer is the best time to visit Tampere as you can see the city’s tourist attractions in a bright and sunny background amidst the colorful mix of greens and blooms.
The Finnish Meteorological Institute website provides a wealth of information regarding the climate in Finland including the seasons, length of day, snow statistics, Christmas weather, weather summary for the recent years and climatological 30-year summary (1971-2000). The site also offers local weather updates and alerts. For instance, to know the current local weather in Tampere – temperature, humidity, wind, rain and cloudiness and other weather observations – you can browse on the Tampere weather page which also includes weather forecast for the next five days.
The summer sounds lovely, the last thing I want to do it travel half way across the world to freeze! I can do that here.