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Summer vacation rentals

It’s a cold summer here in Finland with the outside temperature dropping to as low as 12 degrees Celsius during evenings and rising up to around 23 degrees Celsius during afternoons. I checked the weather forecast for tomorrow though and it’s going to rain with the warmest temperature at only 18 degrees Celsius… Brrrr! This is why most Finns head off to warmer places during summer for their vacation. Now doesn’t this photo below make you dream of a beach escape this summer?

800px Virginia Beach from Fishing Pier

One place that promises a nice summer getaway in the US is Virginia Beach (yup, that’s what you see in the photo above), a city by the North Atlantic Ocean and the Chesapeake Bay. It has the world’s longest pleasure beach according to the Guinness Book of Records and offers a long line of beaches along with hotels and dining establishments. This resort city’s beaches are great surfing spots where the annual East Coast Surfing championships are held. It also hosts another sports event, the North American Sand Soccer Championships.

There’s still more than a month left before summer is over and there are lots of accommodations to choose from at Virginia Beach depending on your budget. Check out Virginia Beach vacation rentals if you want to have a homey feel to your accommodation. Vacation rentals offer an alternative to hotels where you stay at an owner’s resort property which is usually just next to the beach or the city center. Whether you’re heading to Florida, California or Hawaii, you can browse on some vacation properties for rent at The site provides online reservations and you can do a search for available rentals by area, category or activity type. Vacation rental properties provide kitchen, dining and entertainment facilities and gives you that cozy home-away-from-home atmosphere.

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  1. Susanna

    Oh my goodness! 10 -12 degrees Celsius during evenings and 20- 23 degrees Celsius during the afternoon is just what I’m experiencing now.

    Only one difference, it’s winter. And a cold one this year (after 7 years of warmer winters)

    What is a ‘pleasure beach’? Does this mean a built-up beach with buildings alongside it?

    We have a lovely stretch of beach which goes for 90 miles (don’t ask me to convert it I was away from school the day we learned how to do that) which is nothing but sand — and heaps more long stretches of beaches where there is no one else around for miles and miles.

    Looking at your post made me want to jump in my car and head north to some golden sands

  2. happysteps

    Hi Susanna!

    Winter in July? Very interesting! Anyway, last night was a cold and rainy one here, I had to wear extra sweater and crawl under the covers.

    A pleasure beach could mean a developed one, so your description is right on. And yes, you’re lucky to have lots of great beaches in Down Under. 🙂

    Thanks for dropping by!

  3. Chris

    Both you guys sound like you need a Caribbean Vacation. I live on a island called Dominica (not Dominica Republic) and it’s summer 360 days a year.

    My grandparents, who were from the Dominica lived their entire life on the island. Last summer I traveled to the island to visit the home my grand folks stayed in while they were alive and I’m yet to return home – NY USA.

    Now I understand why my grandparents loved this island so much. Just so much natural beautiful everywhere – beautiful waterfalls, friendly people, rivers, hiking etc…

    I recently just bought a home, and I intend to make Dominica Island my finally resting place.

    Follow in my grandparents food steps.

    Here is some trivia for you: did you know that the average life expectancy in Dominica is 87 years.

  4. happysteps


    I haven’t been to the Caribbean islands yet… so that’s one of my dream destinations, including Dominica of course! 🙂

    Thanks for the information and trivia. You sure are blessed to be living in a tropical paradise such as Dominica.

    Thanks for the visit!


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