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Studying abroad: An attractive option nowadays

thumbnail image of travel guides and brochuresTraveling to the US, Canada and the UK and pursuing studies seems to be an attractive and practical option for Chinese students nowadays according to a report. This is because of less strict requirements for admission. It has also become less expensive as foreign currencies have depreciated in comparison to their local currency, the Chinese Yuan. According to Shi Jingjing, Deputy Director of Canadian Education Center, with the devaluating foreign currencies, Chinese students would find it sensible to study abroad considering the savings they would get. It’s also an opportunity for subsequent work abroad especially when studying on a UK visa or a US visa.

The above visa information is based on an article from Global Visas, an immigration consultancy firm focusing on visas and work permits for countries such as UK, Australia, US, Canada and most of the world’s popular destinations. Global Visas provides clients, whether private individuals (e.g. students) or corporate organizations, guidance regarding the difficulties with immigration and visa law. They offer corporate immigration services and individual fully assisted services in a stress-free process.

For those planning to acquire student visas, it helps to get expert assistance from recognized immigration companies. Studying abroad not only means gaining additional knowledge on a chosen course, it also denotes learning a different culture, language and place.

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  1. sant

    nice information ……..

  2. betchai

    studying abroad is indeed a very attractive option, it is always great to know the practices in other countries as well.

  3. Abas

    Better to work abroad than to study for me.


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