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Staying healthy while on a tropical vacation

image of coconut trees at Punta Bulata beach resort, Negros OccidentalBefore getting excited about heading to sunny destinations, make sure you prepare some trip essentials for staying healthy. One needs to be protected from the usual diseases in the tropics such as malaria, sunburn or even some minor rashes.

For instance, a European friend got bad sunburn which turned into painful wounds after a mountain climbing activity. It really ruined his vacation as he had to stay at home while waiting for his skin to heal and get better.

Having a tropical and sunny holiday can be fun but remember to get your vaccination ahead and bring some antibiotics and other medicines, just in case. Check out this “how to” video about How to Stay Healthy on Vacation in the Caribbean to get some travel tips, whether you’re really heading to the Caribbean or some other tropical island destinations. More travel tips from how to videos can be browsed over at, from helpful videos such as How to Have A Great Honeymoon, How To Travel and Still Eat Raw or How to Find the Quirk in Kansas.

Planning for an upcoming trip to your dream destination? Whether it’s Bangkok, the “City of Angels,” Tampere, the “Manchester of the North,” or Prague, the “City of a Hundred Spires,” I have included below a simple travel widget you can use to help you easily find where to stay.



  1. Ilisa

    This is a great article. Thanks for all of the helpful information! A new resource that I discovered for staying healthy while traveling is: They offer tips and information on eating healthy on the road, workouts, flying, getting enough sleep, managing stress and more. I love the info they give! You should check it out!

  2. Hotel Chicago

    Thanks for the advice. I am heading to Florida in two weeks and a short cruise to the Bahamas. If I get sick, I will be so sad!



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