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Sleepyheads on the plane

After a plane’s takeoff, when most of the passengers have already settled comfortably in their seats, the question of “What do I do next?” sometimes comes in especially during long-haul flights. Aside from flipping over the in-flight magazine pages, watching movies, listening to music, have a chit-chat with your seatmate, what else is there to do in a plane where about a hundred people are sitting and patiently waiting for landing? Sleep, of course! Well, sleep is what I do most of the time during flights. It’s because I’m usually busy packing up hours before the trip and I find time to catch up on rest as soon as the plane takes off.

Sleeping during flights may not be that comfy though unless you’re on business class or you’re bringing with you the SkyRest Travel Pillow. This inflatable travel pillow is featured on ShopWiki’s blog with the photo of a guy sleeping soundly on it which makes me think it’s not just perfect for airplane-sleeping but for bus trips as well. Anyway, the ShopWiki blog thinks it’s crazy enough as a product to be featured (maybe because it is ingeniously different than the usual inflatable neck pillows).

photo of a man sleeping comfortably on a SkyRest travel pillow
How would you react if your flight seatmate is slumped comfortably on this huge pillow while you’re squirming many times in your seat as you try to find a comfortable position for a nap?

More interesting (and crazy) products are featured with a dash of wit and humor (check out their Hunk Friday series!) at the ShopWiki blog.

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  1. daisy

    i want that pillow!

  2. happysteps


    How are you going to use that pillow on the plane when you have an active baby strapped to your chest? 😀


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