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Shopping in Thailand

Thailand is a not only an exotic and interesting place with its majestic temples, ancient ruins and modern buildings; it’s also a place of non-stop shopping. Everywhere you look – in the busy sidewalks, inside huge trendy malls and crowd-filled markets – anytime of the day (and night), you’d always find something to lure the shopper in you.

The Thais are very artistic and creative with their well-crafted bags, accessories, décors which are great for souvenirs and gifts.

Thai handicrafts - vases
Decorative vases and table pieces

Thai handicrafts - knitted goodies
Knitted goodies!

Thai handicrafts - handbags
I want that bag please…

Thai handicrafts - accessories
R-jed posing with some ladies accessories

Thai handicrafts - bags
These Thai bags are the usual pasalubongs and gifts for friends

Photos taken at the Chiang Mai night market. Thanks to for some of the pics.


  1. juka14

    Added a link to your blog also. Thanks! See you around.

  2. My Bug Life

    Thailand is a foodie and shoppers’ haven.



  1. shopping thoughts in Thailand | Cookie travels - [...] realized now, I never took photos of my shopping spree. Aside from those mentioned, here are some shopping finds…

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