Safety tips for women traveling alone
Most lady travelers are sometimes puzzled about the dos and don’ts of traveling solo for the first time. As women are perceived to be more physically vulnerable, they usually find it intimidating to embark on a trip to an unfamiliar destination, particularly when the locals can easily sense that they’re new to the place.
Here are some safety tips for women traveling alone, whether it’s for a holiday tour, business trip or some important event.
Dress up wisely
What you wear represents not just who you are but the contents of your bag as well. If possible, dress simply and avoid those flashy signature clothing or footwear especially when on the streets. Do a research on the culture of the place as the locals might be offended by lady tourists wearing revealing clothes. To be safe, observe how the locals dress and take the cue from there.

A lady tourist inspecting the skull decors at the Kutna Hora Ossuary (click on photo to read about this interesting cemetery chapel in Czech Republic)
Avoid suspicious persons
Be wary of strangers who appear to be suspicious. Trust your instincts. Women are more likely to be mobbed than men, especially those who come across as naive and weak. To be out of harm’s way, a lady tourist can opt to limit her trips to the safer parts of the city, but this would also mean she’ll be missing out on some interesting sights and travel experiences as a result.
The adventurous type can go ahead and still avoid encountering shady characters by taking note of some important travel tips:
– Be observant and watch your surroundings especially the persons around. Most pickpockets and crooks blend with the crowd and work expertly in busy areas.
– Don’t wear flashy accessories and jewelries which easily attract the shrewd eyes of thieves and snatchers. Whether you’re in one of those budget Asian tours or luxurious Majorca holidays, some crooks would always be present particularly in touristy areas.
– Bring a flashlight and other safety tools, even a weapon for protection, if necessary. These can be helpful during emergencies and when walking through dark pathways.
– Hide your cash and wrap it carefully before putting under your shoes, or even in your undies. It surely sounds uncomfortable but these are the best options for keeping your money safe.
Stay healthy
Avoid being sick and physically down while traveling. Aside from the first aid kit, bring your prescribed medicines, vitamins and food supplements. Being in tip top physical condition not only enables you to have more fun during the tour, it also helps you project a strong and tough disposition that scares the bad guys away. 🙂
The above tips are just few of the essential advices for women traveling alone to foreign lands. Being prepared and armed with travel tips such as these will make a woman feel more comfortable and confident even if she’s on a tour without a buddy. It could be tough the first time, but most women solo travelers learn from their past unaccompanied trip experiences and they easily become experts on their next holiday destination.
this is so basic but some people forget this.
happy new year! 🙂
Thanks for sharing these tips! Another thing that women can carry is a cell phone like the Just5 Easyphone as this produces a loud siren once its emergency SOS has been pressed. Bad guys will definitely like that.