Reminiscing about my first travel to Europe

“Travel while you’re young and you still can! Life is too short not to see the world!” This is a comment from one of my blog friends long time ago, and it’s just so true. Personally, I would prefer exploring a dream destination or an unfamiliar tourist spot, instead of buying the latest gadget most folks are crazy about.
I learn a lot from my trips especially observing the culture and appreciating the history and architecture of that place. Tasting local cuisines and delicacies is also one of the things I enjoy when I’m in a new place.
The opportunity to travel to one of my dream destinations presented itself when I used to work as a telecoms engineer. My boss surprised me when he told me I will be with the group to undergo training in Germany and Italy. It was unexpected as my work assignments are usually local out-of-town trips within the country.
During our three weeks training in Europe, I would convince my companions that we visit some tourist attractions. Even if we were sent there to study and not to have some cheap luxury holidays, I wanted to make the most of our time outside the training room. I even planned a trip to Venice on a weekend with the group, and another weekend was spent in Vienna to meet a friend. Yes, that’s how eager I am when it comes to travel, as long as my budget permits.
Our three weeks training period was too short for me as I was not able to visit other tourist attractions. We spent our weekdays attending lectures at the training center. Oftentimes, we would do some shopping after class or during weekends. It was within the winter months of January and February when we were there, thus it was not a comfortable one for me, having to wear heavy jackets and boots and all covered-up as I walked on pathways totally covered with snow.
Just reminiscing about my first trip to Europe makes me dreamy and wishing I’m there again. Life is always unfolding new surprises every day. Who knows I’ll be there sooner than expected.
Straight out of high school I traveled all over Europe, while spending a day at Vatican City I was able to see Pope John Paul! An experience I’ll never forget!
I wish I would have traveled more when I was younger and had no job. Now it is just not possible to be away for weeks at a time. Great advice!