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Pottery by the roadside

One of the simple pleasures of going on a trip is finding some great shopping spots along the way – be it food, souvenirs, clothing or…how about this?

Pottery on display

Pottery on display across the road
The road along Sum-ag highway with pottery products on display

We just can’t resist buying some pots for our garden at home. And the best thing is that they are comparably low-priced than what we usually buy at Guinhalaran in Silay.

Some garden decors were also displayed such as these:

Garden decors: white-painted herons
These white-painted herons look ready for take off

Garden decors: fairy tale creatures
Where’s Snow White? 🙂

Hmmm… I’m not much of a big fan of painted stones, pots, vases and concrete for garden accessories and decors. For me, getting that natural look for a garden means using all-natural materials which are not simulated or painted.

Anyway, we bought loads of different sizes and shapes of pots and vases for our garden for only Php500. Great shopping deal on the road, yeah?

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