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Photographic guide to Prague

I met a friend in Austria who gave me this treasure of a book:

Prague photographic guide - cover
A Photographic Guide to Prague

Prague photographic guide - Gothic

Prague photographic guide - Classical, Romantic, Art Noveau and Modern

Prague photographic guide - Renaissance

He was working in Prague that time and told me that it is such a notable place to travel with its beautiful and interesting architecture.

Flipping through the pages now, I can’t imagine myself finally going to a place that I have just seen through pictures from a travel book given as a gift. This time, I will be taking the photos myself and making my own Prague travel memories.


  1. Elen Prague

    You can buy many of these books here, as Prague is quite photogenic 😉 but really, compared to other cities in Europe we are not doing bad at all – if we take the research of Stem/Mark from 07 into consideration, Prague should be second the most beautiful European city after Paris.

  2. My Bug Life

    I would like to visit Eastern Europe one day…heard alot of good reviews.

  3. RightPole

    Poland is also quite interesting. Not only towns like Cracow, Warsaw, Gdansk but also countryside, Tatra Mountains and other places. To find out about Eastern Europe you should come here for a year and meet people.

  4. happysteps


    I usually buy travel guides of the places I visited. They not only give me insights and tips about things to do and see, they also serve as souvenirs. So yes, I’ll be buying one in Prague when I get there. And I do agree with you on Prague being a beautiful city… second to Paris? I’ll have my own ideas about that only after visiting both cities…

  5. happysteps

    My Bug Life:

    yes, Europe is definitely a great continent to visit, especially with the agreement between the Schengen states making it easier to travel to nearby countries.

  6. happysteps

    RightPole: Poland sure sounds interesting and I hope I can visit there one day. staying in Eastern Europe for a year? That would be awesome indeed! Wow, if only I can afford a vacation that long. 🙂


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