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Overnight Stay at Family Cottage #3, Mambukal Mountain Resort

Overnight Stay at Family Cottage #3, Mambukal Mountain Resort

We can stay here for three days!” exclaimed one of our guests as he saw the scenic view from the balcony of one of the family cottages at the Mambukal Mountain Resort. Uh-oh. It was simply wishful thinking and I knew he was kidding so I just smiled at his remark. He knew they will only be staying overnight as they will be flying to Manila the next day.

As Mom would always tell first-timers to our province, “You’ve never been to Negros Occidental if you haven’t gone to Mambukal Resort.” So, when my sister’s father-in-law from Czech Republic and his three friends scheduled a tour here, we made sure Mambukal was on their list of places to visit.

With their jam-packed travel itinerary for Negros Occidental, which Mom and I carefully planned, there was no other way but to limit their stay in Mambukal Resort to just an overnight accommodation. At Php4000 per day, we chose the Family Cottage which offers the best view of the resort’s boating lagoon and is more spacious than the LGU Cottages.

Mambukal Resort: The family cottages as seen from the other side of the boating lagoon

The family cottages as seen from the other side of the boating lagoon

Mambukal Resort: Family Cottage No. 3, where our guests stayed overnight

Family Cottage No. 3, where our guests stayed overnight

The Family Cottage can basically accommodate six (6) guests, although the resort allows up to a maximum of twelve (12) ten (10) persons provided they get extra foams at Php100 each. This cottage has two bedrooms (one room has a queen size bed and single bed, while the other room has three single beds), living room, dining room and kitchen. It’s the best accommodation for groups and families planning for an overnight stay.

Mambukal Resort: Family Cottage - Bedroom with three single beds

Bedroom with three single beds

Mambukal Resort: Family Cottage - Bedroom with queen-size bed and single bed

Bedroom with queen-size bed and single bed

Mambukal Resort: Family Cottage - Dining area with glass doors offering a nice view of the outdoors

Dining area with glass doors offering a nice view of the outdoors

From the cottage balcony, the boating lagoon is right in front of you; to the left are the picnic huts and mini-waterfalls. The road, the bridge and the steps leading to the Butterfly Garden are on the right side. With such a picturesque scene, I can’t blame our guests for wishing to stay much longer.

Mambukal Resort: Family Cottage - View from the balcony

View from the family cottage balcony

Mambukal Resort: View from the family cottage balcony

Hope to visit this place soon...

Mambukal Resort: Family Cottage - View from the balcony

Such a refreshing and relaxing scene offered by the boating lagoon

Mambukal Resort: Family Cottage - View from the balcony

Let's go boating!

Mambukal Resort: Family Cottage - View from the balcony

Some guests waiting for their turn

Mambukal Resort: Family Cottage - View from the balcony

Few steps below the cottage is this open area with shed (provided with table and chairs) for group gatherings

Mambukal Resort: Family Cottage - View from the balcony

The nipa huts of the Butterly Garden can be seen here (right side)

It was a Sunday so the place was reasonably busy and crowded particularly at the picnic huts, dining stalls, swimming pools and parking areas. Fortunately the family cottages are situated away from the crowd and you need to walk additional steps to reach most of the resort’s amenities, but the location is worth it.

For overnight guests on a budget, they can choose to stay at any of the LGU Cottages. We know most tourists would love to spend less on accommodation such as families looking for affordable Europe hostels or one of those cheap holidays Gran Canaria trips. Budget travelers can actually stay in Mambukal for less. Compared to the family cottages, the LGU cottages are more affordable at Php900 to Php1500 per day. I remember our family had an overnight stay in one of the LGU cottages located at the busy area of the resort near the swimming pool. It was just a small room with four single beds, mini-kitchen and T&B for Php1200 per day. We even got the room at a lower cost because my Dad and Mom were given senior citizens discount. There are other types of accommodation offered by the resort, i.e. dormitory, tourist lodge, picnic huts for day trippers and even a camping area.

Our European guests really enjoyed their overnight stay at the resort despite the limited time. They tried the relaxing and therapeutic dipping pool which we highly recommended. Aside from exploring the resort, their major activity was an early morning trek up to the seventh waterfalls with a guide. Then they hiked on their way back passing through rice fields and were able to see a bit of the rural way of living which was “very interesting” according to one of them.

During that latest visit when we accompanied our guests to Mambukal, there were some ongoing construction of buildings along the resort road. I bet these buildings will be additional cottages to accommodate more visitors. This is a good move by the resort as I noticed that their buildings and facilities, such as their cottages, needed to be upgraded.

Presently, with more guests coming in during peak travel season, Mambukal can’t easily accommodate walk-in guests who wish to stay overnight or for few more days. A reservation with downpayment is required. For instance, one guest was politely refused an accommodation by one of the resort staff who told her that all of their rooms are full, and she should have made a reservation ahead. Mom and I anticipated this scenario about how filled-up the resort would be especially it was a long weekend holiday around the first days of November with All Saints Day on November 1. Thus we made a 50% down payment for the family cottage more than a week before their scheduled stay.

Mambukal Resort: Family Cottage - A pose with our Czech guests under the hot midday sun

A pose with our Czech guests under the hot midday sun

For more details about the resort rates, read here: Mambukal Resort: Rates for entrance, accommodation and facilities

Reservations and Inquiries

Mambukal Reservation Office (at Provincial Capitol):
+63 34 709-0990 / +63 34 433-8516
Mambukal Resort: +63 34 473-0610


To our dear readers, please be informed that this website is NOT AFFILIATED with Mambukal Resort or the Negros Occidental Provincial Government. We are not in charge of booking and reservations. Please obtain the latest information (e.g. resort accommodation, discounts, facilities, etc.) by contacting them at the numbers given above.

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  1. love

    hello. thank you very much for the additional pics and info. this is really of great help as i am looking for some places to go to this christmas with my family (plus extended family) and friends.

    • happysteps

      You’re welcome! Just be sure to make a reservation with 50% downpayment at least a week ahead of your scheduled stay. Their rooms are usually full during the holidays. Thanks for dropping by! 🙂

  2. Lorenz

    I love your post it was very helpful bu tit seems that i can’t contact all thr numbers posted.

    Appreciate if you can share other contact details:

    We are a group of 5 persons and we would like to be there by Jan 12-14.

    Thanks a lot!!!

    • happysteps

      Hello Lorenz! You can try this updated resort number I got from their brochure:
      (034) 473-0610
      The reservations numbers above are updated, but you need to call within office hours and during weekdays as it is based at the Provincial Capitol building.

  3. Lorenz


    Did you try the camping activities? How was it? How much and appreciate if you can share your itinerary?

    • happysteps

      Hi Lorenz,
      nope… we didn’t try camping yet, though we passed by some camping tents on our way to the family cottages. One camp group was cooking, with a pot over fire (wood or charcoal?), really cool… 🙂
      Regarding the Negros tour itinerary for our guests, I still have to look over my files. Will post it in upcoming posts, promise.
      By the way, have you already contacted Mambukal for your planned stay?


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