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Organize your digital travel photos

Most travel bugs love to take photos of just about anything they find interesting in their travels. Thanks to the no-film digital camera technology! Thus, after a weekend getaway or trip to another province or even just a day at the mall, expect lots of digital travel photos waiting to be transferred to the computer. Now this means loads of photo files to be added to the already long list of folders in your computer! There are many ways to organize your travel photos, it really depends on what file management system you prefer, as long as you have created a scheme that is easily understood and followed.

collage of travel photos

After many times of trying out different filename conventions that would best suit me, I’ve finally decided on naming my travel photos folders by date and event or place, such as this: yearmonthday-event/place (e.g. 20080901-NationalMuseum or 20080824-PetrinHill). So far, I like how the folders are arranged in the order of year, month and day with the corresponding occasion or location. Some of my older photos are transferred to CDs and DVDs or to another USB hard drive. I also have a photo gallery in a handy flash drive for easy access to recent vacation photos that I want to share with family and friends.

Dealing with photo files on a more advanced level can be made simple with nifty tools such as the jv16 PowerTools 2009. I just downloaded its free trial version to see how it works for me. This computer software is highly rated in computer reviews and helps in optimizing your computer. Good thing it works with most Windows OS including Vista which I currently use for my laptop.

jv16 PowerTools 2009 - File Tools

The main screen is very user-friendly with clickable buttons for the registry tools, file tools, system tools, privacy tools, backups as well as pc health and registry health. Upon loading, it informs me of my laptop’s pc health (96/100) and registry health (80/100) as well as tips on how to improve these ratings. I like the file tools feature which gives me more control over how my files are organized – great help indeed for those travel photos that are cluttered in different directories.

jv16 PowerTools 2009 - File Organizer

Large quantities of same types of files can be organized at once with the file organizer by inputting the source files and the destination directory. Other file tools include file finder, file cleaner, directory finder and others.

The jv16 PowerTools 2009 from Macecraft Software is loaded with tools to keep the computer in good running condition. The free trial has all the features enabled and comes with a handbook or help guide. Users need not worry about implementing system modifications since the software automatically creates backups, thus changes can be easily undone. To get a good overview about the product’s features, check out the interactive online demo or simply download the free trial and see how it works with your file organizing tasks.

Anyway, when it comes to organizing travel photos, each of us have our own way of tackling them before they end up as huge chunks of data in our computer. So, how do you manage your travel photos and where do you keep them? Do share your photo organizing ideas and tips! 🙂


  1. happysole

    I usually upload them online via shutterfly for easy navigation with the name of destination/occasion and the dates as their file name. Then, I save them in their original size in CDs or DVDs with the name of destination/occasion and the dates as labels. The online database help me find photos in cases when I forget which CDs or DVDs they were saved in. =) great site, by the way! happy travellin’!

  2. happysteps

    Hi happysole! Big thanks for sharing your photo organizing tips. I haven’t tried shutterfly yet, I’m only familiar with online photo sharing sites like flickr and photobucket. Thanks for dropping by!


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