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Old Town Square, Prague: Tyn Cathedral, Old Town Hall and nearby buildings

Old Town Square, Prague: Tyn Cathedral, Old Town Hall and nearby buildings

One of Prague’s must-see attractions is the Old Town Square which tourists can find within walking distance from the Charles Bridge.

Old Town Square, Prague
Going to the Old Town Square, tourists are greeted with buildings lined up at the sides and the Tyn Cathedral straight ahead.

The varied architectural styles of the buildings in the square make it an open-air museum featuring the Gothic styled Tyn Cathedral with its pointed spires, the Gothic façade of the House of the Stone Bell, the nearby St. Nicholas Church with its Baroque dome and other buildings.

Old Town Hall with the Kriz House (pink building) at Old Town Square, Prague
The Old Town Hall with the Kriz House (pink building) adjacent to it.

Astronomical Clock at the Old Town Hall’s tower at Old Town Square, Prague
The Astronomical Clock at the Old Town Hall’s tower provides brief entertainment to tourists with its “Walk of the Apostles” mini-show every hour.

Town Hall Tower at Old Town Square, Prague
Another view of the Town Hall Tower.

House at the Bell (right) and the Goltz Kynsky Palace at Old Town Square, Prague
The House at the Bell (right) and the Goltz Kynsky Palace where the National Gallery is housed.

Ministry of Economy building at Old Town Square, Prague
The Ministry of Economy building.

St. Nicholas Church at Old Town Square, Prague
St. Nicholas Church

Jan Hus Memorial at Old Town Square, Prague
At the center of the square is the Jan Hus Memorial made of bronze by Czech sculptor Ladislav Saloun.

Old Town Square, Prague
The Jan Hus memorial is a favorite place for tired tourists with its benches around where one can sit back and enjoy the great view of the surrounding buildings.

To be continued


  1. gigi

    nice kaayo ang mga buildings sa prague cars!!! clear pud kaayo pag take nimo unsa nga cam imo ggamit? How i wish we could travel europe someday…

  2. Abas

    Czech in the pics has medieval vibrance! It sure will look perfect with a dark age theme thrown into it.

  3. Ivanhoe

    Oh the memories… I posted my Prague/Olomouc pics earlier this year. My last trip happened in October of 2007. I think I may be going next fall again :o)

  4. Emila Yusof

    How beautiful! Hope to visit Prague one day.



  1. Midnight at the Old Town Square, Prague | happy steps - [...] (Continued from Old Town Square, Prague: Tyn Cathedral, Old Town Hall and nearby buildings) [...]

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