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Mambukal Resort boating lagoon

Mambukal Resort boating lagoon

Being one of the top tourist destinations in Negros Occidental, Mambukal Resort offers various outdoor activities for its guests. If you’ve been countless times to this mountain resort and have already experienced being immersed in the steaming hot dipping pool, dropped by the Butterfly Garden, or trekked all the way up to the seventh waterfalls, then there are other activities that you might try for a change. For instance, boating at the lagoon can be your next target if you have an upcoming trip to Mambukal. Boat rental is Php50.00 for 15 minutes. However, if you’re not into boating and just want to have a relaxing stay in the resort and being with nature, the boating lagoon provides a peaceful and scenic view to enjoy.

The boating lagoon is one of Mambukal’s main attractions, whether resort guests are taking a stroll alongside the lagoon, sitting in their picnic huts, looking over from the cottage balcony or sitting at one of the benches nearby.

Dipping pool at Mambukal Mountain Resort boating lagoon

Dipping pool at Mambukal Mountain Resort boating lagoon

Dipping pool at Mambukal Mountain Resort boating lagoon

Dipping pool at Mambukal Mountain Resort boating lagoon

The calm and refreshing view the lagoon offers is one of the reasons why Mambukal Resort is one of the province’s cheap weekend breaks. Located in the municipality of Murcia, the resort is an ideal getaway with just about 45 minutes drive from Bacolod City.

Dipping pool at Mambukal Mountain Resort boating lagoon

Dipping pool at Mambukal Mountain Resort boating lagoon

Dipping pool at Mambukal Mountain Resort boating lagoon

Dipping pool at Mambukal Mountain Resort boating lagoon

The boating experience was an unforgettable one for our group as a sudden heavy downpour surprised us just as our boat was in the middle of the lagoon.

Dipping pool at Mambukal Mountain Resort boating lagoon

We were all soaked and laughing our hearts out as our boat moved around amidst the rain. We didn’t know how to use the oars and our boat kept moving to the shore so one of the resort staff jumped in to rescue us from the sides and helped maneuver the boat around.

Aside from boating, there are other resort activities for those who prefer some challenge – wall climbing (Php25.00), canopy walk (Php50.00) and Slide for Life (Php100.00/2 trips).

Mambukal Resort is operated by the province of Negros Occidental. Further inquiries about resort accommodation, facilities and booking can be done via the following contact numbers:

Reservation: (034) 433-8516 / (034) 709-0990
Resort: (034) 473-0610

Click here to view Mambukal Resort rates for entrance, accommodation and facilities.


To my dear readers, please be informed that this website is NOT AFFILIATED with Mambukal Resort or the Negros Occidental Provincial Government.

The resort rates and information posted in this site are provided just to give a general idea about the resort and may not anymore be updated and applicable to your current need.

Thus, you are advised to please obtain the latest information (e.g. resort accommodation, discounts, facilities, etc.) by contacting them at the numbers given above.

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  1. betchai

    beautiful shots of Mambukal, Carey. You are making me miss our place 🙂 Hopefully, when I get the chance to visit Negros ( right now, still have no plans), we will get a chance to meet up.

  2. Nortehanon

    Wheeeee! Me likes the place. Ganda!

  3. EdwinR

    nice shots of mambukal. i was there with my fiancee in feb 2008. we weren’t able to hike the falls because the night before we arrived, it rained heavily. anyway, we are going back there in april 2011. this time i hope to see the waterfalls and do all the other activities that we missed the first time around. thanks for the pics.



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