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Looking forward to the holidays

October is here again, another great month for us to enjoy! After our recent family vacation, I’m looking forward to working full blast and keeping up with some pending projects. My happy steps would probably just be here at home, but who knows, there might be some surprise trip coming up. We might squeeze some time though for an ongoing celebration just nearby – October is an exciting month for Bacolod City which is currently celebrating its 29th Masskara Festival from October 1-19.

I am not usually a big fan of this event though. Last Sunday we were at the public plaza and the crowd was just too much! The streets along the Cathedral and downtown were closed to vehicles and all sorts of vendors are lined up selling food, toys, clothes, footwear, and of course masks! Let’s see if we can visit Bacolod within this week and maybe I can take some photos as well. Anyway, we’re looking forward to my siblings coming home for the holidays. Yey!

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