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Learning from travel

The World is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.”
St. Augustine

This quote is what I chose for my blog’s tagline since I find it meaningful and very well defines why travel is such a great learning experience. When one leaves home and ventures to other places, it always brings not just fun and adventure but valuable insights as well.

One thing I love about travel is learning and discovering about the place – the people, culture, history and language. You get to know more about how the locals in that area welcome strangers, if they’re warm and friendly or a bit cautious and aloof. Whenever I’m in a new place, I like to observe the ancient and modern buildings and architectural edifices especially the ruins. It’s also my habit to try most of their local cuisine and go shopping for native products which showcase their art and culture.

The journey to the place itself provides opportunities for more life lessons. You become better at packing up your suitcase and stuff, lining up patiently at the immigration, sleeping overnight at the airport, keeping your cool on some trip inconveniences or striking up a conversation with another passenger.

All these experiences you bring home with you and make you realize that while we live in various places and differ in many ways, there are countless wonderful and interesting things to share and learn from each other.

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