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Learning from our travels

Learning from our travels

Airport interior travelers - photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

Travel expands and broadens our perspective, which we can apply to any other endeavor we take in life. Through our trips, we learn and notice many kinds of things, mostly new and unfamiliar, which may help us later in whatever we do.

For instance, we observe not just the major cultural differences from one destination to another, but the little details as well. Personally, whenever I step inside a new home, I am attentive to decors and art pieces and how these are organized and displayed by the owner.

During my travels, I am also attentive to the bathroom design of a residence we’re visiting. I notice each country has a different bathroom style. Some bathrooms have bidets installed while other residences have separate rooms for toilet and bath. Whatever the size and area, the bathrooms though have some common elements within a given place.

Speaking of bathrooms, it’s educational as well to do a virtual tour with online showrooms such as One can browse through the charm and elegance of their featured luxurious bathroom suites; some are even fit for royalty! Aside from stylish bathroom suites, they feature a wide range of bathroom furniture, toilets, bathtubs, bathroom tiles, showers and shower enclosures, bathroom accessories and more.

Featured Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash

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