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Hotel search engine donates to charity

6-08-2009_6-00-08_pmIf you’re a blogger, or have a Twitter or Facebook account, here’s your chance of donating to your favorite charity with just a simple promotion. You can do so via the Spread The Word For Charity project of where they donate funds to WWF, Make A Wish or World Vision everytime somebody mentions or promotes their site.

It’s heartwarming to know that about $4000 have been donated so far with the help of participating bloggers including Facebook and Twitter users. is an independent hotel search engine providing free online service to travelers where they can compare prices and offers from many travel merchants and hotels instead of having to search individually to find the best rates and deals. The concept of providing a one-stop comparison travel site by means convenience and instant results from online travel agents such as Travelocity, Expedia or and the websites of various hotels.

Now, instead of spending on advertising, this hotel comparison site decided to donate to charity with a unique approach, i.e. with their Spread The Word For Charity promotion. There are three options for spreading the word and how much will be donated to charity:
1. Blog mention – $20
2. Tweet – $10
3. Facebook fan – $5

Visit their Spread The Word For Charity page to get more info and details about how you can join. A report of the amounts raised and the list of participating websites is also included.

Simple, isn’t it? Make a difference and start spreading the word now!



  1. betchai

    hi Carey, I did this too 🙂 and i actually love this site, and so great for them to offer to donate to charity when we do either of the 3 options.

  2. sandy

    I’ll hop over to their site and see what their charity is. Sounds good, and I like to support charities. I knit and crochet for quite a few different charities; but always like to check them out to be sure things truly are helping those intended.

    Thanks for posting this, this is not a charity I’ve heard of, so need to go read. Always good to learn about new ones. Sadly, there is always more need then we can fulfill; but we can make a difference and improve things.

  3. curacha

    this is quite a unique way of donation. i hope they could get as many supporters as the needy mouths they need to feed.


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