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Home security issues while on vacation

While most of us enjoy being out of our abodes, enjoying unfamiliar sights away from our usual homey surroundings, we also can’t help but be concerned about the safety of our houses. I know some people who are hesitant to go on vacations and even just for an overnight stay because they’re worried about leaving their homes. Good if you have a trusted house help or a friend who would look after things while you’re out.

Have you ever encountered home security issues whenever you’re going on a holiday? These are some important things to consider for those who will be leaving their houses:

Security: Doors and entry points should be heavily locked, windows have to be secure from external forced entries

Pet care: If you can’t bring them along for the trip, there are pet homes where you can leave them or let a friend babysit for them while you’re away

Garden care: Hire a gardener or a friend to regularly tend over your plants

Bills and subscriptions: If you can’t request somebody to take care of the bills, better enroll them in an automated system with your credit card or use an online payment scheme so you can manage your bills anywhere

Mails and packages: Use secure locking mailboxes designed to withstand not just rough weather conditions but pranksters as well.

Regarding secure mailboxes, there are some of these types which can be browsed over at Mailbox and Beyond, an online store for all sorts of mailboxes, address plaques, lanterns, doorbells, house numbers and other home decor items including whitehall products. There’s the Oasis Locking mailbox which can accommodate small packages such as catalogs, books, brochures and shipped goods or items. For a stylish yet durable type, the Designer Roadside Locking mailbox is a good choice. It has a front and rear access locking door with an outgoing mail tray and includes a lock and an adjustable red signal flag. Both mailboxes are durable and approved by the United States Postmaster General (USPS) for curbside delivery so you can be sure your letters and packages are intact and safe while you’re away on vacation.

1 Comment

  1. My Bug Life

    Yea…security issues are important esp if you are going away for long. I usually get other family members to check our place at least once a week…water the plants and just ensure the place is safe and secure.


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