Select Page Top 10 Entrecard droppers for October welcomes November with much hope and thankfulness. And as a member of the Entrecard community, I’m sending out a big thank you to my regular Entrecard visitors. For those who took time to always drop their cards and making it to the top 10, here’s some linky love as my way of thanking you.

cheapdanny (30) (29)
Thailand Land of Smiles (28)
Random Ramblings (28)
Lofty Matters (27)
Symphony of Love (26)
rainydazeee (25)
Good Life Review (24)
Comedy Plus (24)
Darnuth Keep (24)

So, it’s a different list again from the previous August and September top droppers. This will be the last post highlighting my top droppers since I’ll be featuring them in an RSS widget on the sidebar from now on. Watch out for that! Happy EC dropping!

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