Happysteps.net: Moving forward
Celebrating a blog’s birthday can be a similar experience to your own birthday. It brings the blogger to moments of pondering about where her blog is heading to, particularly with how to improve and make it better.
For instance, I have so many plans for happysteps.net and here are just few of them:
– Change my blog template. (This is an immediate need for me, especially as I look at my blog everyday and seeing a lot of space eaten up by the header image. But I am also here in Europe on a vacation so I had to make the most of my time here, right? I still want to visit some museums and galleries here in Prague. The new template will be given attention when I’ll be home next month.)
– Add an Entrecard top dropper list (this should have dofollow links) in the sidebar.
– Organize my categories (yeah, it’s a mess!).
– Add a favicon!
– Add a gallery page.
– Add an Entrecard list page (featuring my faves – organized according to fast loading sites, quality content, reciprocal droppers, EC widget above fold, blogs with top dropper lists, blogs featuring their advertisers, etc.)
– Register in more blog directories
…and so much more! 🙂
Another major plan for this blog is to transfer the domain and hosting to another provider. Thankfully, I have a techie bro to help me out with this. And while I enjoy blogging, I sometimes entertain the idea of going into reseller hosting and other web hosting ventures. This usually comes to mind whenever I visit some sites about web hosting. There are many providers offering many types of hosting packages for the varied needs of their web clients. For instance, there are three plans for standard hosting (they differ mainly in bandwidth, storage and cost) as offered by Canadian Web Hosting. Site visitors can browse over the details about the hosting service they choose and visit the FAQs section to learn more. There are also some flash video tutorials to help the newbies in accessing their accounts and other video guides in using WordPress, OsCommerce, PayPal, Dreamweaver MX and other web tools. They also provide virtual private servers, dedicated hosting, reseller hosting among others.
Anyway, when I think about improving my blog, I realize there’s still so much work to do. As they say, a website is always a work in progress, it is constantly undergoing construction. You find a theme for your blog, you tweak it a bit, put some widgets and all, but your site design doesn’t stop there. You always keep on developing your site especially when you learn about the latest upgrades, cool widgets, plug-ins, graphics and any web object you feel has to be added to your site. How about you, what are your plans for sprucing up your blog? 🙂
wish you the best in all your plans. i hope i can make those kind of plans too some day, 🙁 . just tweaking my blog takes me a day sometimes and i don’t even get what i wat 🙁 the problem of minimal knownledge on html. and then, i do not have the time to write in my blog everyday. i read it helps if your blog has posts eeryday. sometimes, when i get home, i just want to relax, and enjoy reading other blogs, then, i find out i have not written anything in mine :(.
anyway, wishing you all the best in more years of blogging. happy anniversary.
Hi Betchai! These are just plans and I tend to list out a LOT when I am on planning mode… hehehe.
Same here, sometimes I just enjoy reading blogs (I can spend two hours or more when dropping my ECs) and end up too lazy to write on my own site.
Thanks for taking time to drop by and comment. 🙂
i am afraid on tweaking my blogs coz i am completely zero knowledge on css and html coding, lol! goodluck on your plans and belated happy anniversary sis 😀
Thankfully I know some html and css basics though I want to know more than that… I want to have my own design for my blog, it’s difficult to find free wordpress themes that fits the design i have in mind. Thanks for the greetings and for dropping by! 🙂