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Gaining weight during vacation

I’m a bit hesitant to step on the scale these days. Yup, I’m guilty of overindulging myself with fatty and unhealthy foods during the recent holidays. Thankfully, I’m not alone as I read from most bloggers that they too have done some overeating during the holidays. This should not keep me complacent about my current weight though. Truth is, I really need to eat more healthy food and go back to my regular exercise schedule. No more alibis about how life becomes hectic during vacations.

So, where do I start? I’ve been meaning to read some health articles to keep me motivated and do research on proper nutrition as well. Reading positive stuff about health is the first step. And then comes the doing part – sticking to your goals and be more disciplined with them.

How about you? Have you gained weight during vacation as well? What are your weight loss plans and would you consider taking diet pills to help you reach your goal? For those who plan on including pills to aid in their weight loss goals, it’s best to read and do a lot of research first before you take your first medication. You can browse over where they feature information and background about safe and effective diet pills.

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