First plane ride experience: boring, exciting or scary?
Hello all, this blog has been silent for a week (sorry for that) since we were in Cebu for my nephew’s graduation. Thankfully we live just few minutes from the airport, and the flight from Bacolod to Cebu is just 40 minutes. We arrived just in time for dinner at my big bro’s house in Opon.
Short distance flights are usually uneventful and boring for me. There’s really nothing much to do and there wasn’t even an in-flight magazine to while away the time. What made our recent flight to Cebu a different experience was this cute little girl:
My cousin Bea
It was Bea’s first time to ride on a plane and since I was her seatmate, I tried to make it a fun travel experience for her. I let her sit beside the window. As we were comfortably seated before takeoff, with our seatbelts fastened, she was smiling but told me she was a bit afraid especially as she saw the plane’s spinning propellers outside. So I told her that we pray first for safety and protection. After that I told her that later we will be seeing beautiful miniature views of the city and the mountains below; and we will be flying through the clouds as well.
The idea about watching scenes from above made her excited, so her fears were somehow dispelled as the plane taxied around and finally as it took off, she felt the plane moving upwards and she remarked that one would have to crawl up to go to the toilet. 🙂 I’m glad she was enjoying the ride as she watched the scenery below and pretty soon we saw the blinking city lights of Cebu. Bea happily clapped when we finally landed at the Mactan International Airport.
On the other hand, while my cousin was having fun with her first plane ride, another kid at the back was crying a lot throughout the flight. She was very afraid and kept saying she wanted to go home and that she might fall down. Poor thing. I hope it wasn’t a traumatic experience for her. Most kids don’t usually care about being in a plane, they always feel safe wherever their parents take them. They don’t normally understand they’re some thousand miles above the ground. I can’t really guess her age but her fears might have been suggested by some adults’ tease.
How about my first plane ride? Hmmm… I can’t even remember when. Maybe I was still in elementary grade and I can’t even recall being afraid of flying thousand miles above the ground. It wasn’t such a big deal for me that time. How about you? Can you still recall your first plane ride and was it a scary one or was it a fun and exciting experience?
I think my first plane ride was as a young adult with my husband to go to a conference. I don’t remember where we went (there was a conference every year, and we flew to several). I’m thinking it was either California or Texas (from Michigan). I really liked the views from the sky.
can’t remember my first plane ride anymore, but i guess it was a mixture of excitement and nervousness. hehe
maayo kay nalingaw si Bea gwapa.
On my first plane ride it never even occurred to me to be afraid. I guess nobody told me there was something to be afraid of. I looked out the window a few times, but I was disappointed by what I saw for some reason. The whole experience turned out to be kind of uneventful. I guess my expectations were too high.
Ahh..the first plane ride is the most exciting.
Same here, I find it interesting to watch the mountains, rivers, etc. from above. I would usually be lost among the clouds when I’m seated by the window. 🙂
Maybe we were seatmates that time? 😉 Yup, Bea really enjoyed her first plane ride. On her second flight (on our return to Bacolod), she was seated beside her Mom and spent the rest of the flight singing some songs. yup, the passengers seated beside them can hear her but it was tolerable. lol.
Most first-time plane passengers are really not afraid unless they hear some negative or scary suggestions from others. Hmmm… I wonder what your expectations were. 🙂
Really huh! 🙂
I’m about to take my first plane ride and i am very nervous. I don’t know why..