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Educational tours for students

Learning from the history, culture and people of other places is what most of us enjoy about traveling. As St. Augustine said, “the world is a book and those who do not travel read only a page.” Yup, going on a tour is an educational endeavor indeed. In college, we had a subject about architecture history, and we we used to study about all types of buildings and shelters, from the ancient stone age to the detailed moldings of the renaissance era and Gothic buildings of the medieval ages until the modern glass and concrete buildings and skyscrapers of today. It would have been more enriching for us if we had visited some of these places while studying about them.

Some schools include educational tours in their curriculum,  such as a study visit to industrial companies to learn about the production process, or visit museums and art galleries to know more about a place’s history and culture. Travel companies such as Hemisphere Educational Travel provide student travel service for educational tours worldwide which are really intended for the needs of students. These educational tours are a different learning experience for the students outside their classrooms. It’s even more fun since the students travel with their classmates, thus giving them not just an educational experience but a memorable trip as well.

1 Comment

  1. Garry

    Those that do not travel are missing out on vital experiences that are life-enhancing moments. I just wish I got the opportunity to travel to foreign lands when I was a student, but alas I wasn’t fortunate enough.


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