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Dreaming of a Nordic cruise

cruiseDuring our family trip to Europe last summer, we visited my big sis in the Nordic country of Finland. We really enjoyed our trip and it was memorable for us having travelled all the way from the tropics to the chilly Northern part of Europe. We could have even gone to Sweden since it’s just a cruise away. Too bad, big sis had to settle some important travel documents so the Sweden trip didn’t push through. I hope next time we visit Finland, we can finally go on one of those cruises to Stockholm, the capital of Sweden.

For big sis and her family, they already had this cruise to Stockholm and toured around the city. Good thing, her kids enjoyed being onboard a big ship, they even want to go on cruise again. I’m sure we’ll have my nephews and niece with us should we go on cruise vacation. For them, the experience can be something to look forward to as they can take part in the many kids activities the cruise trip offers, from onboard entertainment, dining to games.

Anyway, it’s good to check out the latest cruise deals which offer the best package for families and groups. When going on cruise with kids, it’s important to consider their needs and look into the details so they’ll have fun not just with the ship’s amenities and services but also with organized children’s activities which can make their trip more exciting.

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