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Choosing a three-column WordPress theme for my travel blog

Few more months to go before this blog turns a year older so I am on the lookout for some new WordPress themes. I prefer the three-column layout to maximize on a browser’s space and so that my readers wouldn’t have to scroll down many times over during their visit. I am also planning to change my header image and put in some of my travel photos but that would take time for now. Anyway, I still have few months for that, yeah? I hope I would come up with a totally different look and style for this blog’s first year anniversary. 🙂

For those searching for a new WordPress theme for their blogs, they can browse over lots of free themes (two-column and three-column templates) at where I found some nice ones that could possibly replace my current theme. While I do love this Areia Azul theme which my blog is using now, I need to change it to a faster-loading template. The Be Professional theme, the Brown Bound theme and the Corporate ID theme are some of my choices with their simple and straightforward design. Well, I still haven’t downloaded and tested them yet; some themes look really good on demo but needs a lot of getting used to (especially the bugs).4jumr6

1 Comment

  1. Abas

    Hi, bookmarked your travel related blog. I will return soon. Happy weekend to you.


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