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Buenos Aires Mountain Resort, another tourist destination in Negros Occidental

Buenos Aires Mountain Resort, another tourist destination in Negros Occidental

Another notable tourist destination in Negros Occidental is Buenos Aires Mountain Resort located in Brgy. Ilijan in Bago City. Going there from Bacolod City would usually take about 45 minutes but for our group it took more since we were disoriented about the route (it was our first time without any guide!) and we had to stop by and ask the locals for directions.

Sugarcane plantation along both sides of the road to Buenos Aires Mountain Resort, Negros Occidental
Sugarcane plantation along both sides of the road to Buenos Aires Mountain Resort

Buenos Aires Mountain Resort is maintained by the Bago City local government and supported by the Department of Tourism. The resort offers varied accommodation and facilities for day-trippers and visitors planning to stay overnight or for few days. Upon arrival at the resort, turn right and drive up to the Administration Office to settle your preferred accommodation (or reservation if you phoned ahead).

For day-trippers, the resort offers open cottages while those planning to stay longer can stay at the hillside hotel located further up. There are also some closed cottages along the slopes with pathways leading up to the hotel. Those who prefer not hiking up can stay in one of the family suites in a rowhouse beside the Administration Office building.

Open cottages beside the brook at Buenos Aires Mountain Resort, Negros Occidental
Open cottages beside the brook

Rowhouse of family suites at Buenos Aires Mountain Resort, Negros Occidental
Rowhouse of family suites

The hillside hotel at Buenos Aires Mountain Resort, Negros Occidental
The hillside hotel

View of the resort from the hotel balcony at Buenos Aires Mountain Resort, Negros Occidental
View of the resort from the hotel balcony

The steps from the hotel going down to the lower level of the resort at Buenos Aires Mountain Resort, Negros Occidental
The steps going down to the lower level of the resort

Swimming pool at Buenos Aires Mountain Resort, Negros Occidental
Swimming pool

The hotel rooms, family suites and some closed cottages are air-conditioned with convenience outlets. The open cottages are also provided with convenience outlets. We arrived lunch time at the resort but decided to go on ahead to Rafael Salas Park and Nature Center where we stayed overnight. We came back to Buenos Aires the next day, had our lunch at one of the open cottages by the brook and soaked ourselves for a while by the pool before heading home.

Buenos Aires Mountain Resort facilities and rates (as of April 1, 2009):
Hotel rooms: Php1000.00
Family suite rooms: Php1800.00
Closed cottages: Php800.00 (w/o AC); Php1200.00 (w/ AC)
Swimming pool: Adult – Php30.00; Children – Php25.00
Open cottages: Php100.00

Contact information:
Location: Brgy. Ilijan, Bago City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Telephone numbers: +63 34 461-0540; +63 34 461-0164
Office hours: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Buenos Aires Mountain Resort, Negros Occidental

Buenos Aires Mountain Resort may not be such a well-developed resort, their accommodation and facilities lack proper maintenance, but as a whole it was another fun weekend getaway for us up in the mountains.

Up next: Rafael Salas Park and Nature Center


  1. betchai

    look at those clouds, very pretty! love your pictures Carey, you really showcased the beauty of Buenos Aires Resort. Been there several times, I love hiking and taking a dip to the many waterfalls in the area. It is such a quiet escape.

  2. happysteps


    Yeah, love those clouds too! 😉 Thanks.

    When was the last time you’ve been to Buenos Aires mountain resort? I just wish the Bago City government would work on the much-needed maintenance of the resort’s hotel, cottages and facilities. Some of the closed cottages on the hillside are already in bad condition.

  3. Malou Lastimosa

    i’ve been this place many times way back 12 years ago. i always spent my holiday here with friends. how i wish to visit here agin soon… this place is really a right place to relax.

  4. happysteps

    Hi Malou! Wow, 12 years… that surely would make you long for a visit to this resort again. I wonder how the resort looked like during your last visit. Nowadays, their facilities really need some upgrade but it would be nice to visit the place again soon and drop by the nearby Kipot Falls.

  5. cherilynnP -)

    Buenos aires is such a nice place to relax together with freinds and family as well….It’s good for us to have fun up in the mountains…I wish I could visit this place again and drop by the nearby kipot falls…Again, Buenos Aires is a right place for us to relax,to think, to have peace of mind and to have fun as well…I’ve been in this place 15 years ago and I wonder how it looks like nowadays…

  6. Ging Villagracia

    hello! any email address to contact ur reservations? gud day!!

  7. happysteps

    Ging, sorry I don’t know if Buenos Aires resort has an email address for reservations. I think it’s better call them na lang.

  8. mark ledesma

    we drove from sum-ag to the resort, a bit of a ways really, it needs adequate road directions. upon getting there the facilities are limited but the ambience is authentic, love taking a dip in the river.
    we didn’t bring any food so just bought at kiosks there and they were very good, loved the free range chicken soup with vegetables and the people were very friendly and down-to-earth.
    will plan to stay overnight one of these days.

  9. happysteps

    Hello Mark, I like how you described the ambiance as authentic… thanks for the visit! 🙂

  10. thezz tolentino

    i was really glad to visit buenos aires 7 years ago….and planning to have a vacation this april to have a relaxing and enjoyable moment from the city of manila to a dear province after 7 years i do hope a pleasing buenos aires after those years na nawala jan sa bago sana maganda na uli siya para naman to be proud of the city and scenic views sa mga friends and ka office mate here in manila…..please city gvernment of bago make some improvement for the resort medyo nawala na yong magandang areas after 7 years…..

  11. nina


    I’ve been invited to attend a student ministry outreach conference at Buenos Aires Mountain resort on April 8. How do i get there from bacolod city?


  12. malou lastimosa

    i was planning to visit buenos aires again if i have chance to go back to bacolod city by last quarter this year. i miss a lot of stuff there. i want to eat at manokan country. the chicken barbecue so delicious. hmmmm.. yummy…

  13. happysteps

    Nina, sorry for the late reply as I have been busy these days and haven’t checked this blog. We went to Buenos Aires with my Dad driving our van and I was not paying attention to the route he took. Also, I am not familiar about going there via jeepneys or public transpo. Hope you had a fun time at the resort.

  14. racel caballero

    the hotel was nice,the people were accomodative,good room service and good hotel price!ill be back soon

  15. daezielle

    haissttt….we will have a family camp at buenos so excited…too bad cause on dec. pa..

  16. night jordan burdeos

    Were looking forward to go there this October..and ofcourse we love to know more about your latest rates…regarding the rooms and other amminities of the area….just give me a call or even send me a message that would be a great name is night jordan Valenzuela burdeos..I went there last 2005…so we need more updates…..09275238349….God Bless

    • happysteps

      Hello, sorry we are not the travel agent for Buenos Aires resort. Please scroll up and contact them directly at the numbers provided in this post. I do hope they are still working though. I suggest you just go there and decide which accommodation you prefer. Some of their cottages are not well-maintained, so its best to choose when you’re already there. I hope Bago City govt. renovated the place. Do share your experience here after your visit to Buenos Aires.

  17. Nero Jardinico

    Been there in BAMR just this Aug. 28-29 and Sep. 6-7, 2011 and was amazed and surprised of what i’ve discovered. After 4 years, improvements have taken place and still boosting. BAMR is one of my favorite places to unwind when i was there in Philippines and recently, I went back to my hometown Bago City and have a chance to visit the place… and have discovered her true beauty for it has been developed and retouched. The staff are very accommodating and friendly and services are more professionalized. Cottages were improved and hot and cold shower is available. Now back here in abroad and can’t wait to go back and stayed there for a long time. I invited all of you to visit the place for relaxation and comfort.
    Please if you can add spa & massage services and authentic restaurants.

    Proud to be Bagonhon!

    See you there!

    • happysteps

      Hi Nero,
      That’s good to know! I noticed the resort really needed renovation during our last visit. Hmmm…maybe, we’ll consider including Buenos Aires mountain resort in our tour itinerary for our upcoming foreign guests. 🙂 Thanks for sharing the info!

  18. colin john suan

    in Family suite rooms…
    how manmy people can stay????
    capacity rate?

    • happysteps

      Hello Colin John, sorry I am not familiar with the maximum capacity for the family suite rooms. Please contact the Buenos Aires resort staff directly at the numbers provided in the article above. Thanks for dropping by! 🙂

  19. mary kris martir

    This was the place where I and my dabarkadz had our first get together.. Having this place out of town is worth it!! Last time I went there was on my birthday last 04.12.10!Ive been in BAMR already for alot of times but its the only place that would suit for a family , barkada bonding..Hmmm im planning to be there this november 19.. im looking forward see the newly renovated BAMR!!

    • happysteps

      Hello Mary Kris, thanks for the feedback! Buenos Aires Resort is truly a cool and relaxing place to celebrate your birthday with friends. 🙂

  20. ellen

    Hi..i wuld lyk to much po ang entrance fee sa buenos aires resort..?..thanks..

    • happysteps

      Hi Ellen, we were not charged with an entrance fee during our visit last 2009, but I am not sure if they are charging entrance fees lately. Just bring some extra cash with you, to be safe.

  21. ma. fe

    hello, happy steps..
    I like your photo’s of rafael salas park and nature center…
    University of Saint La salle where I worked as program assistant for youth development is very interested to partner with you guys in the preservation of RMS park, as such we are planning to organize the youth in the area to commit and be part of preserving the park as an ecotourism destination in negros.Youth commitment for sustainable development is the key.

    • happysteps

      Hi Ma. Fe, thanks. Your suggestions are great. I’m not connected with Rafael Salas Park and Nature Center though. You can coordinate with the Bago City local government if you really want to push through with your plans of preserving the park. It would surely improve the park as an ecotourism destination.

  22. ma. fe

    we visited the RMS park last time and your observations were correct. RMS park needs more amenities for tourist to come,more rooms maybe to accommodate larger guests…foods must also available in the place, so I suggest for RMS to have its own canteen or resto…since its an eco tourism destination,brochure about the park must be available. more suggestions to come , and I’m happy if people in the community especially the youth or the OSY will be tapped to develop the place, an ideal for social entrep..

    • happysteps

      Great suggestions, Ma. Fe!



  1. Rafael Salas Park and Nature Center: Going there | Happy Steps travel blog - [...] Continued from Buenos Aires Mountain Resort, another tourist destination in Negros Occidental [...]
  2. Rafael Salas Park and Nature Center: EcoTourism Park in Negros Occidental | Happy Steps travel blog - [...] Some areas have sloping terrain with cool atmosphere and breathtaking mountain views such as the Buenos Aires Mountain Resort…
  3. Buenos Aires Mountain Resort « Ang Pinaka Nga Luto Sa Bugas - [...] by the Bago City local government and supported by the Department of Tourism, Buenos Aires Mountain Resort offers various accommodation and…

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