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Buenos Aires Mountain Resort, another tourist destination in Negros Occidental

Buenos Aires Mountain Resort, another tourist destination in Negros Occidental

Another notable tourist destination in Negros Occidental is Buenos Aires Mountain Resort located in Brgy. Ilijan in Bago City. Going there from Bacolod City would usually take about 45 minutes but for our group it took more since we were disoriented about the route (it was our first time without any guide!) and we had to stop by and ask the locals for directions.

Sugarcane plantation along both sides of the road to Buenos Aires Mountain Resort, Negros Occidental
Sugarcane plantation along both sides of the road to Buenos Aires Mountain Resort

Buenos Aires Mountain Resort is maintained by the Bago City local government and supported by the Department of Tourism. The resort offers varied accommodation and facilities for day-trippers and visitors planning to stay overnight or for few days. Upon arrival at the resort, turn right and drive up to the Administration Office to settle your preferred accommodation (or reservation if you phoned ahead).

For day-trippers, the resort offers open cottages while those planning to stay longer can stay at the hillside hotel located further up. There are also some closed cottages along the slopes with pathways leading up to the hotel. Those who prefer not hiking up can stay in one of the family suites in a rowhouse beside the Administration Office building.

Open cottages beside the brook at Buenos Aires Mountain Resort, Negros Occidental
Open cottages beside the brook

Rowhouse of family suites at Buenos Aires Mountain Resort, Negros Occidental
Rowhouse of family suites

The hillside hotel at Buenos Aires Mountain Resort, Negros Occidental
The hillside hotel

View of the resort from the hotel balcony at Buenos Aires Mountain Resort, Negros Occidental
View of the resort from the hotel balcony

The steps from the hotel going down to the lower level of the resort at Buenos Aires Mountain Resort, Negros Occidental
The steps going down to the lower level of the resort

Swimming pool at Buenos Aires Mountain Resort, Negros Occidental
Swimming pool

The hotel rooms, family suites and some closed cottages are air-conditioned with convenience outlets. The open cottages are also provided with convenience outlets. We arrived lunch time at the resort but decided to go on ahead to Rafael Salas Park and Nature Center where we stayed overnight. We came back to Buenos Aires the next day, had our lunch at one of the open cottages by the brook and soaked ourselves for a while by the pool before heading home.

Buenos Aires Mountain Resort facilities and rates (as of April 1, 2009):
Hotel rooms: Php1000.00
Family suite rooms: Php1800.00
Closed cottages: Php800.00 (w/o AC); Php1200.00 (w/ AC)
Swimming pool: Adult – Php30.00; Children – Php25.00
Open cottages: Php100.00

Contact information:
Location: Brgy. Ilijan, Bago City, Negros Occidental, Philippines
Telephone numbers: +63 34 461-0540; +63 34 461-0164
Office hours: 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM

Buenos Aires Mountain Resort, Negros Occidental

Buenos Aires Mountain Resort may not be such a well-developed resort, their accommodation and facilities lack proper maintenance, but as a whole it was another fun weekend getaway for us up in the mountains.

Up next: Rafael Salas Park and Nature Center


  1. richell

    great place BUT very super strict! the guards and the receptionists are inhospitable…super strict to the extend that they can ruin your vacation…they treat there costumers as an idiot prisoners! the staff are so annoying! the place is good and relaxing BUT the staff is SO ANNOYING!

    • happysteps

      Hi Richell, too bad you did not enjoy your stay. In what way were the guards and receptionists inhospitable and annoying? Buenos Aires resort is managed by Bago local government, you can also inform them about your experience so they’ll find ways to train their staff and improve customer service.

  2. richell

    nice place, but arrogant staff, poor facilities such as: no hot and cold shower.. dirty toilet..and the pool tiles are mostly broken!

    • happysteps

      Uh oh… when was your latest stay in Buenos Aires? I thought they already upgraded their facilities.

  3. Ricky

    Nice article. I am a bit sad though that no one remembers or knows that Buenos Aires was a vital stop over of the late President Manuel L. Quezon on his way to the USA via Australia at the outbreak of the Japanese invasion during World War II.

    Vital cause he purposely went out of his way to stay there to rest and recuperate from the ordeals of his escape from the Japanese to take in the fresh air which doctors of the day felt was therapeutic for his Tuberculosis, which was ailing him and which finally caused his death before the end of the war. He was supposed to go directly to Mindanao to join Gen. MacArthur on a flight to Australia instead he went on a different route much to the displeasure of the Americans.

    It was here that he awaited word from his secret emissary to the Japanese government for news if they would negotiate a separate peace pact between the Philippines and Japan. Hearing that MacArthur sent his people to locate Quezon, the President, his family and entourage proceeded to Negros Oriental to hide out in Bais which became for a few weeks the seat of government of the Philippines.

    It could be said then that Quezon’s brief stay in Buenos Aires in effect made that place the seat of the Philippine government even if only a few days.

  4. helen grace

    Its more amazing and more fun specially for the children if you add slides and other amenities.Also add swimming pools with hot spring near the hotels on the hills side,..


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