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Browsing on some travel news and discount vacation packages

More businesses and industries are now getting involved with environmental conservation measures, and the airline industry is no exception. For instance, Continental Airlines provides a paperless boarding pass for their passengers through their mobile phones. An encrypted bar code plus flight details are sent via email to the passenger’s phone or PDA device. This feature not only minimizes the use of paper, but also helps in reducing fake boarding passes and enhances customer service. This was just one of the travel news I browsed over at, and I find it interesting since air travel always involves fuel consumption which unfortunately increases carbon emissions.

Aside from browsing on travel related news, it’s also good to compare discount vacation packages from leading travel sites and has a search engine feature where you get to compare offers for cheap airline tickets. Travelers and tourists can also keep themselves updated with their latest travel deals on cars, airlines, cruise, hotels and vacation packages. I tried searching for cheap Manila-Prague flights, entered my choice of dates and picked three travel sites. The results returned some good ticket prices (about $100 more than the ticket we purchased last month) even for a flight scheduled just two weeks from now.

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