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Berlin day tour: Berliner Dom (Berlin Cathedral)

Continued from Berlin day tour: Lustgarten (Pleasure Garden)

Berliner Dom (Berlin Cathedral)

An imposing landmark at the Museumsinsel (Museum Island) in Berlin is the Berliner Dom (Berlin Cathedral) located to the northeast of the Lustgarten (Pleasure Garden). The Dom was built in the late 18th to early 19th century, and as an Evangelical Church, its design is deemed by some to be the Protestant equivalent of the St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City.

The massive columns at the Berliner Dom (Berlin Cathedral)
The massive columns lined up along the cathedral’s front hallway.

The facade of the Berliner Dom (Berlin Cathedral)
The facade of the Berliner Dom as seen from the Lustgarten.

The facade of the Berliner Dom
A closer look at the front of the Dom. Sitting on the front steps were some boy scouts tired from a day’s tour.

One can’t help but gaze at the building’s artistic design and inspect the intricate details of the doors, ceilings, statues, the column capitals, and other wall décor and mouldings.

Berliner Dom opening hours:

9:00 AM – 8:00 PM (Mondays through Saturdays)
12:00 NN – 8:00 PM (Sundays and Holidays)

From October 1st through March 31st, closing at 7 pm

Note that visits are not allowed during church services or events. Cathedral tours are also offered for tourists.

Next stop: Neue Wache (New Guard House) war memorial and other buildings at the Bebelplatz


  1. lala

    Wow, that is gorgeous! I love the ornate architecture.

  2. Abas

    Wow..the scale of it! You would think that giants live in the building.

  3. Jodapoet

    The architecture is absolutely extraordinary. What a treat to see these in person.

  4. eastcoastlife

    Wishing you and your family a Merry Xmas!!



  1. Berlin day tour: Zeughaus (Old Arsenal), Neue Wache (New Guard House) and Staatsoper (Berlin Opera House) | happy steps - [...] Continued from Berlin day tour: Berliner Dom (Berlin Cathedral) [...]
  2. Berlin landmarks and tourist attractions: One day tour | Happy Steps travel blog - [...] Berliner Dom (Berlin Cathedral) – This huge cathedral is one of Berlin’s impressive buildings in the Berlin-Mitte district. [...]

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