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Beach vacations: sky, sea, sand and…sunburn!

thumbnail image of sky, sea and sand at Jomabo Island, Escalante City, Negros OccidentalI love going to the beach and getting soaked for hours in the sea, but I hold back my excitement to eagerly head on to the blue waters when the sun is high. For me, the best time to bathe with less skin damage and sunburn is early morning and late afternoon, although the tide may not be that high. The allure of white sand, blue sky and clear waters can sometimes make beach lovers unmindful and forgetful about protecting their skin with sunscreens or sunblocks.

When going on a beach vacation, a sun protection lotion is one of those personal care trip essentials that must be included especially if the kids are tagging along. It’s also important to bring along sun protective clothing, swimwear, hats and other accessories. According to Shopwiki’s sun protection article, sunscreens and sunblocks for children should have a higher SPF (Sun Protection Factor) of 45 and adults especially light skinned individuals should use an SPF of 30. Kids need skin care and protection especially if they’re active and play a lot outdoors.

For those who just had a sunny day at the beach and got themselves some nasty sunburn souvenirs, there’s a way to take care of the skin peeling off and to minimize the itchiness and the pain. Shopwiki’s article on after-sun care & sunburn treatments features top after-sun care products for sunburn relief – these contain ingredients such as Aloe Vera for moisturizing, Lidocaine to numb and cool the burn, and Calendula for soothing the skin. The article discusses how to treat sunburn and skin damage after spending a lot of time in the sun (even if you didn’t go to the beach). More articles on health and beauty products can be browsed over at Shopwiki.


  1. Grampy

    Very good post. We will be taking care. We are going on vacation to the ocean. We do not sun bathe but do spend a lot of time on the beach.

  2. happysteps

    Hi Grampy! Wow…you’ll be having a beach vacation…where is this? Yes, don’t forget the sunblock. I’ve had a bad experience one summer, I stayed in the sea for hours under the heat of the sun. The next day, I got some really bad sunburn on my back and shoulders. I remember putting on some sunscreen before going out to the sea but I guess it was not enough (maybe the SPF was low?). Have fun! 🙂


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