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At the medieval Turku Castle

Turku Castle, Finland

Visiting castles would always be on the travel itinerary of tourists when going to Europe. It’s like stepping into the days of kings and queens, or imagining you’re part of a fairy tale. Getting inside the medieval castle of Turku acquaints the visitor of Finland’s rich culture and history, each stair or doorway leading to more interesting rooms and displays.

The Renaissance castle exterior (or bailey) was constructed during the 15th to 16th centuries, while its main building (or keep) dates back to the early 14th century. The castle was subjected to some damage during World War II, but was gradually restored to its original grandeur through the years, afterwhich its ownership was entrusted to the Finnish state and presently managed by the City of Turku.

Turku Castle, Finland

Turku Castle, Finland

Turku Castle, Finland

Part of the Turku Castle is also a Historical Museum with some of the rooms displaying important artifacts representing Finland especially during the medieval ages.

This is the topmost part of the castle keep displaying jewelry, glass and porcelain dining ware, dresses and other artifacts:

Turku Castle, Finland

Turku Castle, Finland

Turku Castle, Finland

Some more photos:

Turku Castle, Finland
A castle hall

Turku Castle, Finland
A display room

Turku Castle, Finland
The castle church

1 Comment

  1. daisy

    waaa i missed this! 🙁



  1. Näkemiin Finland! | happy steps - [...] these interesting places in Finland: Turku - where I can’t forget my tour inside the medieval Turku Castle and…

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