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Art market in Berlin

berlin market lanterns

Wanna shop for paintings, décors, jewelry, t-shirts, lanterns, bags, buttons and all sorts of art, handicrafts and books in Berlin? Check out the Art market (Kunstmarkt) at the Museum Island (Museumsinsel) beside the bridge every Saturday (11:00 AM – 3:00 PM) and Sunday (10:00 AM – 2:00 PM) where you can find some Berlin souvenirs to take home with you.

Here are some photos of what’s on sale at the street market where busy tourists crowd around the many items displayed.

berlin market paintings

berlin market handicrafts

berlin market buttons

berlin market tshirts

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  1. Heather McGregor

    Could you please send me the contact details (eMail, website, etc ) of the stall holders at the Art Market who sell silk scarves. I saw them there in late July.
    Heather McGregor

  2. happysteps

    Hello Heather! So sorry, I can’t provide you with the contact details. We just passed by the art market on our way to some tourist destinations in Berlin, we didn’t even buy anything from the stalls as our time was limited.


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