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Are you healthy and fit for travel?

Travel not only requires us to be appreciative of the new sights we see when we go on trips to different places. We also need to be physically fit and ready enough for some long walks or hikes, enjoying those thrilling rides at a theme park, climbing heights or doing extreme sports. Even just a simple shopping can be tiresome, you won’t even notice your exhaustion after you’ve scoured almost all the shops looking for some souvenirs to take home with you.

A medical checkup is best when going on a long vacation. A bit of research on medical issues is also a good thing to do before travel. At least it gives awareness about your present well-being, plus some useful health tips and information. Websites such as the Heart Library provides what you need to know about the heart and its related conditions such as sudden cardiac arrest, sick sinus syndrome, slow heart rate, fast heart rate, as well as heart diseases such as heart attack. The site has an interactive heart video library which can be browsed over including some patient stories, FAQs and glossary.

Recently Dad had some laboratory tests and met his doc who told him that he is fit to travel abroad. For a senior citizen, we’re glad he is physically fit and able to do things his contemporaries can’t.

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