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After the holidays

What a whirlwind of activities our family had during the holidays. We had a simple reunion for Christmas with my siblings and their families who traveled all the way from Cebu, Finland, Thailand and Prague. The opening of gifts was a memorable and fun event not just for the kids, but for the grownups as well. Aside from my brothers and sisters being here with their families for vacation, we also had some guests from Iligan, my uncle and his family who stayed with us for few days until New Year. You can just imagine how our house looked like with all rooms filled up and kids running around. 🙂

With all our guests gone now (except for the Prague bunch), it’s getting quieter with just few of us left. Sigh. I miss seeing the kids playing around, the usual family chitchats and the busy look of the kitchen (imagine having three cooks at once). I wonder when the family would be complete for Christmas again. Now it’s time for cleaning up the holiday storm that hit our house, and especially for taking off those extra pounds gained. 🙂

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