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A world of benches: Berlin

A world of benches: Berlin

This is the third in a series of posts featuring photos of benches I’ve encountered during my travels. Previously featured: Rauma (Finland) and Prague

bench under the tree, in a Berlin park

After attending the noontime Sunday Mass at St. Albert the Great Church, off we went with our day tour of Berlin. I will be posting more photos about the city’s many historic landmarks and buildings, but for now here are some of the benches I’ve photographed to add to my collection. Enjoy!

photo of benches along the souvenir shop street in Berlin
Benches along the souvenir shop street… perfect place for tourists to rest for awhile after their shopping spree.

photo of a series of concrete square benches at the rear of the Reichstag building in Berlin
A series of concrete square benches at the rear of the Reichstag building.

More benches at the city park…

photo of benches at a park in Berlin

photo of benches at a park in Berlin

photo of benches at the Charlottenburg Palace grounds in Berlin
At the Charlottenburg Palace grounds. See that bench where the guy was seated? That’s where we had our lunch. =)


  1. Unjehrwear

    Hmmm. Now I know, rich kid! I envy you! I also want to travel! As in this kind of traveling! 🙂

  2. happysteps

    Anje aka Unjehrwear:

    Welcome to my travel blog! Finally you’re here. 🙂 Am not rich… but I’ve been blessed to have two sisters based in Europe who helped with most of my travel expenses.

  3. Comedy Plus

    Hey, what’s that guy doing on your bench. What a great day. 🙂

  4. daisy

    wow! your collection is growing bigger! 😀 what’s next?

  5. Unjehrwear

    Saang bus terminal?! Nakakatako kaya. What if ma-rape ka? Pero actually, dapat hindi sila matakot sa akin kasi ako yung mang-ra-rape! AHAHA!

    Yhey, Anje talaga! Ayoko ng Angie parang taga-probinsya :)) sure sure, anytime 🙂 that’s why. Okay, I have to meet your sisters. haha. wait lang, so live in Europe na? 🙂 YEAH, HOPEFULLY. Actually, my US Visa is expiring this October 🙁

  6. happysteps

    Comedy Plus:

    Yeah, it was a great day indeed. We already had our lunch on the bench, so the guy took our place after we left. 🙂

  7. happysteps


    What’s next? I still have to search in my photos again. Maybe another place in Finland? 🙂

  8. happysteps

    Anje aka Unjehrwear:

    Di ko alam kung anong name ng terminal basta sa Thailand yun nangyari. Thank God I went home safely after using some survival Thai phrases when I asked for directions.

    Taga-probinsya naman ako ah… batang Negros ako. Anyway, am here in pinas na. Better use that US visa asap! 😀 I think you can apply for extension, right?

  9. Shinade

    Oh my I would love to be able to travel all over and take such wonderful shots.

    These are just wonderful!:-)

  10. PinoyCopywriter

    Nothing’s sadder than seeing an empty bench.


  11. ceblogger

    i envy your travels. even the benches in foreign lands are beautiful to look at.


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