A dream trip or a new gadget?
If you’re given a choice between going on a trip to your dream destination and buying a new gadget, which would you choose, granting that both options have the same cost and are not really part of your needs? Well, for travel bugs like me, the first option would be an easy choice.
I remember when we had our training in Italy, and I bugged my co-workers to spend a day in Venice. I also used part of my finances during that training to travel to nearby Vienna instead of doing a lot of shopping like my companions did. I chose to visit as many new places as I could because the training was just about three weeks and considering the costly airfare needed to travel from Asia to Europe, I just had to grab the chance to travel to nearby destinations and maximize my stay as well.
Similarly for kids, it’s just like a choice between a trip to a theme park or a new high-tech gadget such as a game console or the latest mp3 player. Hmmm…I wonder how my nephew who’s fond of playing computer games would react to this if being asked to choose. 🙂
The choice is easy for me too. I love traveling and seeing new places firsthand and for me, life is truly being lived when I am experiencing what is going on around me. There is a certain amount of growth that takes place. But seeing we are not all interested in travel (I have friends who have no desire to stray far from home plate)there has to be something to perk their interest and perhaps a nice new gadget will do the trick. Interestingly, in order to continue with the travel I like so much…I am looking for a nice new gadget..called a camera, as mine just called it quits.
Romancing Italy:
I also have met some people who are not interested to travel even if it’s an all-expenses-paid trip. Yup, even if given the chance to travel, they’d rather stay at home.
I am also eyeing on some nice digicam (preferably a DSLR) but for now I’ll just content myself with a low megapixel point and shoot model. Anyway, I hope you will soon be able to find your dream gadget so your travel will be nicely documented.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. 🙂