Blog Anniversary Giveaway $150 PayPal Cash: Happy Steps Travel Blog at 5

Happy Steps travel blog just turned 5! 🙂
Yup, reaching 5 years in the blogosphere is definitely a great reason to celebrate, and we’ve come up with a giveaway to thank you, our dear readers, for your support all through these years.
Giveaway prizes are the following:
1 winner of $150 PayPal Cash (convertible to PHP for Philippine residents without PayPal accounts)
3 winners of 10,000 Entrecard credits (for those with valid Entrecard accounts) Prize is not available due to Entrecard site downtime.*
4 winners of Advertising Space (125x125px) for one month at Happy Steps travel blog
3 winners of Advertising Links for one month at Ideas N Pink
Giveaway ends on September 25, 2012.
Big thanks to the following awesome blogs for helping me host this giveaway. 🙂
The Joys of Simple Life | Rainydazeee | The Salitype Society | Ideas N Pink | Breathe In…Breathe Out | Happy Caity | Filipino Foods, Dishes And Recipes | Digipxl | Traveling Freelancer | Life, Day by Day
To join, simply fill up the required tasks in the Rafflecopter widget below.
Mandatory entries (you need to complete these tasks to qualify for the raffle):
1. Blog about this giveaway (simply copy and paste to your blog post the html codes provided in Rafflecopter widget)
2. Facebook likes
3. Twitter follows
4. Comment on this post (answer the question provided in the Rafflecopter widget)
Daily Optional entries (do these simple tasks to greatly increase your chances of winning):
1. Blog comments at The Joys of Simple Life and Breathe In…Breathe Out
2. Tweet about this giveaway
3. Post this giveaway in your Facebook wall
Bonus entry exclusive for Entrecard blogs with valid Entrecard accounts. Simply input your Entrecard details in the Rafflecopter widget to get a chance to win 10,000 Entrecard credits! Prize is not available due to Entrecard site downtime.*
IMPORTANT: Please refer to the Rafflecopter widget for the detailed instructions.
All entries will be verified. We don’t want you to miss your chances, so please double check your links, likes, tweets and other required tasks for them to be validated and included in the raffle. Send me a message via the Contact form or email me at happysteps1107 at yahoo dot com.
Thanks for joining. Have fun! 🙂
* Important update as of September 26, 2012:
Entrecard has been down for more than a week already. We have no idea when it will be back or if the site owners/admins plan to have it back. Our apologies to those who entered their Entrecard details hoping to be one of the 3 winners of the 10000 EC credits. In case Entrecard will be up again, we will raffle off the qualified entries and possibly add more winners.
I wanna Go to Germany, I want to discover their new techs about renewable sources of Energy
My dream destination is London. I don’t know, but since I’ve seen pictures of London, my heart tells me that I want to go there someday. Two of my friends are residing in London and looking at the photos they post makes me really want to go there. There are a lot of good places to go to and I also want to try their cuisine. 🙂
Happy Anniversary!..And good luck with the give-away.
I love to visit Paris! I wish to be there with my hubby. A romantic place for our second honeymoon!
I like to travel in Middle east in Qatar, all my friends are there already
My favourite travel destination is London because i want to live here!
I dream of going to Paris and London.:)
I dream to revisit Europe once more!
I want to visit SG! It’s not so far from the PH and I’ll definitely enjoy what that country has to offer! 🙂
It’s my dream to visit London and probably stay there for good if I only have the money. Sigh~
Dream travel destination would have to be in Europe. London perhaps.
Congrats on your 5th year! 🙂
My dream travel destination is Switzerland! I would like to see several chocolate factories in action!
My dream travel destination is Japan, a land of all things considered kawaii! ^___^
My dream travel destination is South Korea, i’m so in love with korean series so i hope i will have a chance to visit their country,
Happy 5TH Anniversary Happy Steps Blog… Keep up the good work always. Have a nice day!
Happy Birthday Happy Steps Blog… Keep it up, wish you all the best. Thanks for the nice post you’ve shared to us.
My dream travel destination is in London. I love everything in London from Harry Potter to British Accent and everything! It’s my dream to go there one day!
Great Giveaway! I’ll be filling up my details later on today… meanwhile, be advised the fate of EntreCard seems to be hanging in the balance::: EC droppers please read this…
Dream Destination: Paris – to experience what some say is the most Romantic Literary city on earth
My dream travel destination is Holy Land. For i want to visit the birth place of Jesus Christ and make a solemn prayer there with my family!
My dream destination is Rome,Italy. Why? Because I want to see the Pope and experience the Holy Land.